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Pokemon Snap Review

Pokemon Snap Review: A Contemporary Pokemon Snap Review


Remember the late 1990s when everyone had Pokemon cards out in full force? When Burger King was giving away golden cards? When the “Gotta Catch Em All” hysteria was in full throttle? It was a good time… Just as the Gameboy games were reaching their height, Nintendo came out with the N64, 3-D gaming console and just like that, you were thrust into the gaming version of the natural environments of your favorite Pokemon. [Insert mind being blown away]


pokemon snap review


Pokemon Stadium offered 3-D battles, but Pokemon Snap, and only Pokemon Snap put emotions, expressions and life-like attributes to Pokemon. No longer were your favorites confined to a black and white pixelated screen, instead Pikachu greeted you on the shore of a beach, ready to play and introduce you to Pokemon Island. Since its time there has been 4, going on 5 new generations of Pokemon. Pikachu? You mean Fennekin?


While it is still possible to hook up the N64 and play this classic, it may be more accessible via the Nintendo Wii Virtual Channel/Shop. The question remains though, is it still worth picking up and playing it?


If you have been playing the games since the beginning, Pokemon Snap most likely has a place into heart. Like I said, it took those characters you had spent days and days collecting and raising as if they were your own pets, and put them into full 3-D and natural environments. This step was not only monumental to the Pokemon franchise, but it was part of gaming history being made as Nintendo thrust the industry into full3-D gaming.


Despite any criticisms the Big N may have these days on their slow adoption of full HD graphics, let’s be honest, do cartoons need to be in 1080? Nintendo built up its fan base not through the slaughter of thousands of participants at online death matches, but rather through creating characters an products that captured our imaginations and made us want to live in a “universe” other than our own, one where Plumbers save princesses, where gorillas would do anything to protect a hoard of bananas, and one where you could make 151 friends in a quest literally meant for adventure, bonding and growing up together.


Nintendo’s graphical focus has never been about full HD experiences that offer nothing that looking outside a window cannot offer, but rather it has been about bringing to life imaginations and connecting you to a different universe. This drive is part of what made Pokemon Snap so appealing at its time. Pikachu, Charmander, Zapdos, Ditto, Jigglypuff… were not black and white pixels, but fully animated life that changed how they reacted based on how you interacted with them. Even in 2013, going on 2014 does this old true. Can a cartoon’s graphics age? Yeah there may be a few rough pixels here and there, but Pikachu then is going to look like how Pikachu should look like now. These characters are everlasting and do not require graphical overhauls to remain relevant in gaming.

With that said, Pokemon Snap should appeal to even newer generations of Pokemon/gaming fans. Maybe they will not be as familiar with some of the original 151 as they are with the Black and White and X and Y generation, but that will probably only leave them thinking, “Why hasn’t there been a sequel?”


The game surely stands up to gaming’s test of time, bu certain elements could be updated or revamped to make it more relevant. Nintendo has offered 3-D technology on the 3DS including play options that turns your world into a place to play through the camera function. The very purpose of Pokemon Snap is to take games, further adding to that argument. The Wii U also offers an innovative touch screen controller that could be fully utilized to enhance play. With the company finally embracing centralized online services, downloadable content such as maps or Pokemon updates could keep such a game even more so relevant and continue generating revenue for the company for quite some time.


Pokemon Snap for the N64/Wii is a timeless classic regardless of where the company decides to take the franchise. Whether it gets the much deserved and called for sequel or whether it lasts as a stand alone, even today it is he opportunity to immerse yourself into the universe of Pokemon and see your favorites brought to life.



  • Brings to life your favorite Pokemon
  • Nostalgia
  • Easy to introduce to a new generation of gamers
  • Available on Virtual Console
  • Timeless graphics


  • Where’s the sequel?
  • Unrecognizable characters to some new generation Pokemon gamers
  • Too short

Modern Day Score: 8/10

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