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Pokemon Red and Blue

Pokemon Red | Pokemon Blue

Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue are the original Pokemon games that kicked off the phenomenon that has now spanned into the 6th generation, and led to us being introduced to Ash Ketchum. The adventure began in Pallet Town as a young boy awakens and finds himself given the choice between Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. It is from there that he starts off into the world of Pokemon and the player is introduced to a new specie of Pokemon one at a time, with some being common, some only being obtainable through events or glitches (Mew, we are talking about you), and some only being available on the other version – forcing players to trade with one another to catch them all.

The popularity of the games led to a cartoon, trading cards, mass merchandise, and of course many schools banning the products due to them being such huge distractions. The anime’s success them led to a special edition Pokemon Yellow, where Pikachu was the starter Pokemon, but the plot from Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue materially stayed the same.

Pokemon Red and Blue

Since Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue were the first Pokemon games, they still to this date, remain the favorite Pokemon generation and favorite Pokedex designs for an entire generation of gamers. Pikachu is still recognized as the unofficial mascot of the franchise.

Pokemon Red | Pokemon Blue

Be sure to check out the side navigation for the Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue game navigation links for reviews, game guides and more!

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