Pokemon X Walkthrough | Pokemon Y Walkthrough
Welcome to the World of Pokemon!If you are a newcomer to the franchise, this game does a good job of giving you information without holding your hand too much, unlike generation 5. This game is the fastest selling Pokemon game in the franchise’s history, and for good reason. But you will find this out for yourself.
Game Mechanics
1. Attack (for physical moves)
2. Defense (resistance against physical moves)
3. Special Attack (for special moves)
4. Special Defense (resistance against Special moves)
5. Speed (determines which Pokemon moves first)
Type Matchups
Type | Normal | Grass | Fire | Water | Electric | Flying | Bug | Rock | Ground | Steel | Psychic | Ghost | Dark | Poison | Fighting | Ice | Dragon | Fairy |
Normal | v | v | o | |||||||||||||||
Grass | v | v | ^ | v | v | ^ | ^ | v | v | v | ||||||||
Fire | ^ | v | v | ^ | v | ^ | ^ | v | ||||||||||
Water | v | ^ | v | ^ | ^ | v | ||||||||||||
Electric | v | ^ | v | ^ | o | v | ||||||||||||
Flying | ^ | v | ^ | v | v | ^ | ||||||||||||
Bug | ^ | v | v | v | ^ | v | ^ | v | v | v | ||||||||
Rock | ^ | ^ | ^ | v | v | v | ^ | |||||||||||
Ground | v | ^ | ^ | o | v | ^ | ^ | ^ | ||||||||||
Steel | v | v | v | ^ | v | ^ | ^ | |||||||||||
Psychic | v | v | o | ^ | ^ | |||||||||||||
Ghost | o | ^ | ^ | v | ||||||||||||||
Dark | ^ | ^ | v | v | v | |||||||||||||
Poison | ^ | v | v | o | v | v | ^ | |||||||||||
Fighting | ^ | v | v | ^ | ^ | v | o | ^ | v | ^ | v | |||||||
Ice | ^ | v | v | ^ | ^ | v | v | ^ | ||||||||||
Dragon | v | ^ | o | |||||||||||||||
Fairy | v | v | ^ | v | ^ | ^ | ||||||||||||
Attacking types are the vertical columns while the defending types are the horizontal rows. | ||||||||||||||||||
^ means the attack is super effective. V means the attack is not very effective. O means the attack has no effect.- Grass types are immune to Spore moves and Leech Seed.- Electric types are immune to paralysis.
– Poison types and Steel types can’t be posioned. – Ice types are immune to Hail and can’t be frozen. – Rock, Ground, and Steel types are immune to Sandstorm. |
*Keep in mind that this chart only applies to pure types. For dual types you will need to discover its strengths and weaknesses by combining its types together. |
IVs – Individual Values (determines a Pokemon’s potential in a certain stat; do not worry about this if you’re not competitive).
EVs – Effort Values (you are more likely to get stats gains with more points in a certain area; put some attention into these by Super Training).
– Note: You can view EVs on the Super Training screen
Natures: Determines your Pokemon’s best and worst stat in terms of stat growth. Red (over the stat name) means the stat has more potent growth than the one highlighted in Blue. A Fennekin, for example would do terribly with an Adamant or Impish nature, but a Modest or Timid nature is excellent.
Abilities: Helps with battle or field exploration. Use them to your full effect. Rembember that some Pokemon have multiple abilities. EX. Bunnelby has Cheek Pouch and Pickup.
STAB: Same Type Attack Bonus. EX: If a Grass type uses Vine Whip, a Grass type move, the move becomes more powerful.
Types of Attacks
1. Physical: Scales on the Attack stat. It is represented by a POW icon.
2. Special: Scales on the Special Attack stat. It is represented by a “ripples in water” icon.
3. Status: Buffs, Debuffs, and Status effects. Represented by a Yin Yang icon.
Status Effects
1. Poison – Gradual damage over the duration of battle. Cure with an Antidote.
2. Paralysis – 25% chance of not moving during the turn. Cuts Speed. Cure with Paralyze Heal.
3. Sleep – Unable to use moves. Takes 1 – 3 turns for it to fade during battle. Sleep counter does not reset on switch. Cure with an Awakening.
4. Burned – Gradual damage for the duration of the battle. Cuts Attacks. Cure with Burn Heal.
5. Frozen – Cannot move whatsoever. Cure with an Ice Heal.
7. Infatuation – 50% chance of not attacking. Cures upon end of battle or switching out.
8. Confused – 50% chance of attacking oneself. Cures upon end of battle or switching out.
Pokemon X Walkthrough Your Journey Begins
After selecting a name, gender and appearance, you start in Vaniville town. Vaniville, Route 1, and Aquacorde to some extent does not have anything to offer. however, please do talk to some NPCs to learn about Pokemon gameplay mechanics and lore. Some NPCs even give you items or offer trades. Head north to Route 1 after speaking to your mother and your neighbors (Serena/Calem and Shauna). You will reach Aquacorde since there are no wild Pokemon. Play around with your Network feature on the touch screen (like profile) and get used to it.
Pick your starter. Chespin is a Grass type, and it will become Quilladin at level 16, and Chesnaught (Grass/Fighting) at level 36. Fennekin is a Fire type and it will become Braixen at level 16, and Delphox (Fire/Psychic) at level 36. Froakie is a Water type, and it becomes Frogadier at level 16, and Greninja (Water/Dark) at level 36. It entirely depends on your preference.
Chespin is slow, but is a physical powerhouse in both attack and defense.
Fennekin is frail with attack and defense, but her special attack, sp. defense, and speed are good.
Froakie is fast, with great stats all around offensively, but not defensively.
You will get a Pokedex and a letter as well. You will have access to Super Training and Pokemon Amie. Each Pokemon can get 510 EVs through battle, but Super Training can help you get it done quickly if you know what you’re doing. For now, head back to your house and deliver the letter to your mother. You will fight your first battle with Shauna; she will choose the starter with a type disadvantage. You will only fight her twice in the story.
Shauna, First Battle
Starter (w/ type disadvantage) Lv. 5
Use your STAB attack to win: Bubble, Vine Whip, or Ember.
Get the letter to your mother and Aquacorde should be open to you. If you want, go to the left of Aquacorde and buy some Poke Balls; unless you are going for Pokedex completion, this is unnecessary. Potions are on the bottom right of town for purchase, but the clerk NPC outside will give you one for free. The top right building acts as a Pokemon center.
Head to Route 2. After the catching tutorial, I recommend you catch a proxy Pokemon for Super Training. This walkthrough will not cover every stat spread or push Super Training, but read this regardless. Catch a proxy if you want and try to max out your starter’s EVs. Use the proxy to clear stages at least once for stats you won’t level up so Super Training goes that much faster. For Chespin, raise attack and defense. Fennekin should raise special attack and special defense or speed. And Froakie should max out speed and choose attack or special attack. Even with detrimental IVs and Natures, EV training will make the campaign a lot easier.
Tip: Pay attention to your Pokemons’ stat spread and build your team accordingly.
Catch any Pokemon you desire and head to Santalune Forest once you beat the youngster
Pokemon on Route 2
Pidgey (Normal/Flying) Common
Fletchling (Normal/Flying) Common *Will change to Fire/Flying when it evolves.
Bunnelby (Normal) Common *Will become a Normal/Ground type when it evolves.
Zigzagoon (Normal) Uncommon
Caterpie (Y-Bug) or Weedle (X-Bug/Poison) Uncommon
Scatterbug (Bug) Uncommon
When you enter Santalune Forest, you will pair up with Shauna. Do not waste your potions on battle, as she will heal your Pokemon for you. How sweet of her. Head to the left to pick up a potion and an antidote. If you get poisoned, don’t waste the antidote. Shauna will take care of that, too. There is a potion to the left of lass Lise, and a Poke Ball to her right. Serena/Calem will give you a Poke Ball somewhere along the path, and before you fight the second standard trainer of the game, Shauna will give you a paralyze heal. The path is straightforward, so you cannot possibly get lost.
Note: Grinding is made much easier if you go for Pokedex completion. But beware that you can still get EVs from catching Pokemon.
Pokemon in Santalune Forest
Caterpie (Bug) Common to Uncommon
Weedle (Bug/Poison) Common to Uncommon
Metapod (Y-Bug) Rare *Caterpie and Metapod will become Bug/Flying at level 10.
Kakuna (X-Bug/Poison) Rare
Pansage (Grass) Uncommon
Pansear (Fire) Uncommon
Panpour (Water) Uncommon
Fletchling (Normal/Flying) Rare
Scatterbug (Bug) Common *Scatterbug and Spewpa will become Bug/Flying at level 10.
Pikachu (Electric) Rare
This is a good spot to catch a Pikachu. There is a 5% chance of it holding a Light Ball, which doubles its base attack and defense. Breeding it with another Pikachu (remember separate genders) while holding a Light Ball will produce a Pichu with Volt Tackle if you want a physical electric mouse. Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour can cover your type disadvantages, but there are much better choices in those types. Pay attention to abilities as well; Pikachu has Static, which may paralyze on contact moves, and Zigzagoon has Pickup, so check your Pokemon screen to see if you got any items.
Now you will head to Route 3 after watching a cutscene. This route is fairly simple. There is a Cut tree which is not accessible yet, behind it is a Revive. You can’t access the Dawn Stone with Surf until much later in the game. Down Schoolgirl Bridget’s way is a Super Potion. Catch an Azurill here if you are at a loss of what to do when it comes to building your team and you want/need a water type. Once that thing evolves into Azumarill (must have the Huge Power ability), it will hit like a wrecking ball, even with low power moves. Remember friendship must go up for it to evolve.
Pokemon on Route 3 (not including surfing and fishing spots)
Pidgey (Normal/Flying) Uncommon
Pikachu (Electric) Rare
Dunsparce (Normal) Rare
Burmy (Bug) Uncommon
Azurill (Normal/Fairy) Uncommon *will become a Water/Fairy type once it evolves
Bunnelby (Normal) Common
Fletchling (Normal/Flying) Common
Bidoof (Normal) Common *will become a Normal/Water when it evolves.
Tip: Pay attention to standard trainers’ Pokemon! Some will give you clues of the Pokemon in the area, including rare ones like Preschooler Oliver. Some hint at Pokemon found in future routes or through different means. Preschooler Ella with the Pichu on this route indicates so. Though I must say that it will be very rare for a standard trainer to use a Pokemon way ahead in the game. Preschooler Ella is the exception on Route 3 for this tip.
Now you can head to Santalune City. The boutique is pointless until you make it to Cyllage City, where there are more options; if you don’t like your hat, you can get one for cheap, and it looks similar to Red’s hat from the original Red/Blue and Yellow games. You can use the dressing room to wear different clothes in the Pokemon Center. Your mother gave you some. Pokemon Centers and Poke Marts share the same location. Some items in a Poke Mart are not available until you collect more Gym Badges, but this shop will give you what you need. Getting item inventory with badges is redundant because all Poke Marts in this game will provide you with exactly what you need as you progress.
Tip: The right cashier deals X items, which boosts a Pokemon’s stats temporarily. X attack and x defense, etc.
Go to the Trainer’s School and talk to the teacher. He will give you three X attack/defense. Sell these if you want more practical items, like potions and antidotes. Or you can buy a more expensive hat/accessory. Go to the cafe on the hill and search the flower box for a super potion, the lamp post for an antidote, and in a bush/grass for a great ball.
The second row of houses on the left will contain a Hiker wanting a Bunnelby for a Farfecth’d (Normal/Flying). If you are going for Pokedex completion, get this Farfetch’d, as it has a great nature and can learn False Swipe. The second row of houses on the right contains a boy who will give you another great ball. Go to the Gym or Route 22 on the right to train. This walkthrough assumes you are heading straight for the Pokemon Gym. You will need to battle a woman with roller skates to progress. She has a level 7 Zigzagoon. Once you win, you can now move faster with roller skates. Use the D-Pad if you want to walk. Hold B while walking to run.
This gym is straightforward; walk along the webs to fight or bypass trainers to reach the Gym Leader. Ledyba can confuse, so watch out. Spewpa is packing defense. The trainers in this Gym use Bug type Pokemon, if you haven’t guessed.
Viola, “The camerawoman who never lets a single smile escape her focus.”
Surskit (Bug/Water) Level 10
Vivillon (Bug/Flying) Level 13 *Final evolution of Scatterbug.
This battle can be easy or hard depending on how well you prepared your team for it. This can be said for all trainers. However this one especially, since Viola sports a second evolution Pokemon on her team, which can’t be said for any other “first” gym leader. Her Surskit can block Fennekin’s fire and possibly shut you out if you make a lot of mistakes. You might need to make use of Froakie’s Quick Attack to get the edge early in battle. Chespin, if it knows Rollout, can actually sweep her despite the type disadvantage against Vivillon’s Infestation. Infestation deals minor damage prevents switching, so using potions now is the best place to start. Other fire or flying types can take Viola well, and Azurill’s Fairy typing actually gives it resistance (Gym battles substantially increase friendship). Keep trying until you win.
You will get the Bug Badge and TM83 Infestation, which is great for final evolutions of any Bug types you caught for the early game.
Head to Route 22. There is a Super Potion past a few ledges from lass Elsa. The Cut tree has an elixir behind it (restores 10 PP for every move). You cannot access the other side of the gate or Victory Road. Catch any Pokemon you like here. Catching a Riolu is troublesome, but not necessary. You will get a free Lucario later in the game if you want it.
Pokemon found on Route 22 (not including fishing spots, and not the tougher varieties found after getting surf)
Psyduck (Water) Uncommon
Farfetch’d (Normal/Flying) Uncommon
Dunsparce (Normal) Rare
Azurill (Normal/Fairy) Common
Bidoof (Normal) Uncommon
Riolu (Fighting) Rare
Bunnelby (Normal) Common
Litleo (Fire/Normal) Common
Azumarill (Water/Fairy) Rare/ only with Surf
Head up from Santalune to get the EXP Share (automatically equipped, spreads experience and EVs to all Pokemon from battle) from Alexa and go to Route 4.
Ralts, Budew, and Skitty are all noteworthy Pokemon to catch from Route 4. Ralts becomes the powerful Gardevoir and gains the Fairy type. Budew’s evolutions Roselia (w/ an eviolite) and Roserade are arguably some of the best Grass types in the series. Skitty has an ability called cute charm, which boost the encounter rate of the opposite gender to 70% in most Pokemon species. This is great if you can catch a male Skitty with this ability, so it’s much easier to find a female Eevee to breed and make all the Eeveelutions. The first thing you will notice about this route is that there is a maze of grass in 5 different places. None of the trainers here are exceptionally tough, but Corpish can pack a punch in weaker Pokemon, so watch out.
In the bottom left section of the route, you can find a repel and an antidote. There is a honey hidden here. The bottom right section contains a great ball and a super potion. A Poison Barb is in the exact center of the route, along with another hidden honey. The top left maze contains a Net Ball and yet another hidden honey. Lastly, there is an ether and a hidden super potion in the top right maze. These items are essential to your long journey all the way to Cyllage City where the second gym badge is. It will also help you save money. Honey is great for Pokedex completion and Combee’s ability will help you find more. If you want to raise a Combee, it needs to be female so it can evolve.
Pokemon found on Route 4
Note: The type of flower patch you are in affects encounter rates. Flabebe is one of them in terms of color. Rare color variations of Flabebe (Orange and White) are always uncommon or rare. Wait until Route 7 if you want a blue Flabebe. Flabebe can power up Grass types with her ability, so consider her for your team.
Ledyba (Bug/Flying) Common to Uncommon
Ralts (Psychic/Fairy) Rare
Skitty (Normal) Uncommon
Combee (Bug/Flying) Common to Uncommon
Budew (Grass/Poison) Uncommon
Flabebe (Fairy) Common

Flabebe is a great early capture if you seek a Fairy type in Pokemon X.
Once you make it through the route, you will get TM27 Return, which is a powerful move if friendship is full, and it’s a great way to gauge friendship. You can get friend bags in Super Training as well. If you have three Pokemon, you can play Pokemon Amie games; Pokemon Amie does not increase the friendship gauge, but you will get the occasional battle benefit.
They Keep Making the Iconic Cities Bigger
Welcome to Lumiose City. Heal at the Pokemon Center past the Lab, and go straight for the lab. Go to the second floor and you will receive 5 luxury balls. These balls boost friendship immediately upon successful catch. The woman on the top floor will give you TM54 False Swipe. This is the best move for Pokedex completionists.
You will fight Sycamore and his three Kanto starters. Pay attention to your type matchups and you will win. Now you can choose between Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and a Mega Stone for whichever one you chose. Pay attention to types already on your team, and perhaps a high base stat you are probably missing, like attack.
Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison) evolves into Mega Venusaur, which is the best tank of the group thanks to Thick Fat. Leech Seed and Giga Drain will be your best friends.
Charmander (Fire to Fire/Flying) will evolve into Mega Charizard X(Y); Mega Charizard Y is a special sweeper, and Mega Charizard X (Fire/Dragon) is a physical sweeper.
Squirtle evolves into Mega Blastoise, and gains a great offensive option in Mega Launcher. Mega Launcher powers up Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Water Pulse, Heal Pulse, and Dragon Pulse.
There’s a myriad of things to do here on the South Boulevard. Go right of the lab to the one star restaurant to battle and get tiny mushrooms to sell for cash. A punk girl will give you a Lens Case which will help you change your eye color. Across the street from the camera-focused cafe is a building. The girl on the first floor will give you a Quick Claw, and the guys upstairs will give you timer balls and quick balls. If you go back to the camera cafe after taking pictures at so many photo spots, he’ll give you various types of lenses. 1 for Wide Lens, 10 for Scope Lens, and all of them for the Zoom Lens.
The right cashier at the Poke Mart will sell you TMs: 78 (Bulldoze), 18 (Rain Dance), 75 (Swords Dance), 76 (Struggle Bug), and 11 (Sunny Day). They are expensive. You can also buy Great Balls now.
You can buy evolutionary stones for your elemental monkeys on Vernal Avenue if you wish, but wait until level 34 for any of them when they learn their best move. The cafes are good sources of information. Using the Furfrou grooming shop is probably for fans of that Pokemon and not anyone else, except the most hardcore Pokedex completionists. Get a Revival Herb at the barista if you are not confident in your abilities. You can’t customize in Lumiose’s boutique yet, which is sad, but you wouldn’t be able to afford anything there anyways.
Author’s Note: I’m pretty sure being denied service at a shop like that because I’m not “stylish” is enough to merit a lawsuit.
Go to Cafe Soleil and watch the cutscene unfold where you get opinions from Lysandre and Diantha. Now head to Route 5. There is another cutscene with some foreshadowing. Catch any Pokemon that you think will help you. Rotating your team is much easier with the experience share. Get Pancham, Skiddo, or Scraggy if you need a physical attacker.
There is a hidden paralyze heal in the skate park, and a super potion past a rail. South of the twins, there is a great ball.
You will fight Tierno, one of your other rivals, once you pass the twins.
Tierno, First Battle
Corpish (Water) Lv. 12
He’ll power up with Swords Dance and hit you hard, beat him before that happens. Trevor will give you honey after beating him.
Past rising star Hamish, there are two super potions; one is hidden in a rock, and the other is down the rail. Another rail leads to an Oran Berry tree. There is a x attack below rising star Tyson. Lastly, past the rails above the massive patch of grass (hold A or B and have speed behind you to not fall) is HM01 Hone Claws. It’s an okay move, and great for a physical Charmander. Past the Cut tree is a Sharp Beak.
Camphrier Town is past the route.
Pokemon found on Route 5
*Gulpin (Poison) Uncommon
Bunnelby – Common
Furfrou (Normal) Common
Duduo (Normal/Flying) Uncommon
*Plusle (X-Electric) Rare
*Minun (Y-Electric) Rare
Pancham (Fighting) Uncommon
Skiddo (Grass) Uncommon
**Scraggy (Dark/Fighting) Common
Abra (Psychic) Rare
*means this Pokemon can be located in a horde battle.
**means that this Pokemon can only be found in a horde battle
Tip: Use honey to trigger horde battles. Version exclusives from the other game may make it into a horde battle or a rare Pokemon. Example: play X, find a horde of Plusle, and maybe a Minun would show up. Keep in mind that some Pokemon from the other version will get attacked by the main Pokemon in the horde.
There is little to do in Camphrier Town except talk to Cassius and the Name Rater and collect all the items. Cassius is in the house above the Pokemon center, and the punk girl in there will give you TM46 Thief. This will let you steal items from other Pokemon in battle if the Pokemon using it does not have an item itself. The guy in front of the Pokemon center will give you an ultra ball. There is a star piece in the bottom of town (sell it) and an ether below it. A girl next to the fountain will give you a berry juice and in the house above her is a maid that will give you a sweet heart, and a guy who give you a berry if you show him a specific type of Pokemon each day. Pick which berry you need the most.
Cheri – Heals paralysis
Chesto – Heals sleep
Pecha – Heals poison
Rawst – Heals burn
Aspear – Heals freeze
You’ll get Pecha berries in a moment so go for anything else. A full heal is given to you in the hotel, and down a ledge is a x attack. If you see people upstairs, including Mr. Bonding, talk to them all. In a bush above the fountain is a hidden antidote. Once you’re done, head up to the Shabboneau Castle. The cutscene will indicate that you need to go to Route 7, and if you want to, there is an escape rope on the second floor.
The Longest Detour of the Game
Once you leave Camphrier Town, head left but stop to go to the berry farm. Now you can grow berries to get more berries. The man inside the house will give you tips on how to farm berries. Of course, he will be outside first and give you 5 oran berries and 5 pecha berries. Do with them what you will. There is a Miracle Seed in the bottom of the farm and it powers up Grass type moves.
You can’t go up to Route 6 yet until you talk to Shauna and the Black Belt about the Snorlax. In a narrow path above both of them, you’ll find a heal ball. You can catch a Pokemon without healing it on the fly.
Go to Route 6 to Parfum Palace. There are a few trainers in the way, but they’re not really a threat. There is a x special attack next to the backpacker, and an antidote and a tiny mushroom next to the tourists. If you talk to the woman next to the palace entrance, she’ll give you an oran berry. There is an ether next to a punk guy. A photo spot is also here.
Go inside, and learn about the lore of Pokemon, but the best thing inside the building itself is the Amulet Coin in the library on the second floor. It can boost the money you earn in battle if the Pokemon holding it participates in battle. You will need to go to the courtyard to find the owner’s Furfrou. In the courtyard if you look along the hedge mazes and the borders of the garden you will find items. Grab Cut, if nothing else and teach it to Farfetched or another Pokemon.
– Borders
Revive (Right side)
Guard Spec. (top left, by the Poke Ball statue)
Rare Candy, hidden above the fountain
– Bottom left hedge maze
Super potion
X special attack (hidden)
– Bottom right hedge maze
– Top right hedge maze
Pretty Wing (hidden inside a tree)
Go to the top left hedge maze and make use of Shauna to catch the Furfrou, it is not too difficult of a puzzle. Once you do so, go to the balcony on the second floor and get the Poke Flute necessary to wake up the Snorlax, you’ll also get TM17 Protect. This will block any move, but fail if you keep using it.
Go back to Route 7, but explore the east and west sides of Route 6 for Pokemon, trainers, and items.
– Items (West Side)
Super potion
Aguav berry
Ultra ball
– Items (East Side)
X speed
TM09 Venoshock, power is doubled if opposing Pokemon is poisoned.
Paralyze heal
Pokemon found on Route 6
Oddish (Grass/Poison) Common
*becomes Vileplume if you use a leaf stone, or Bellossom (Grass) if you use a sun stone on Gloom.
Sentret (Normal) Common
Nincada (Bug/Ground) Uncommon
*when it evolves into Ninjask (Bug/Flying), if you have an open spot on your team and a Poke Ball, you will also get Shedninja (Bug/Ghost).
Keckleon (Normal) Rare
Espurr (Psychic) Rare *Males and Females have different movepools
Honedge (Steel/Ghost) Uncommon
– Rustling Grass
Venipede (Bug/Poison)
Audino (Normal) Rare
Go to Route 7, after catching/defeating the Snorlax. Some of the specialized balls you’ve obtained will help you in doing so. You can go to the Day Care Center to breed Pokemon and raise them a few levels. There is a Battle Chateau; talk to the butlers and maids to learn about some of the rules. If you want to, come back here after defeating a Gym Leader to fight more and stronger trainers. A x special defense and PP Up are located along this route.
You will team up with Serena/Calem to fight Tierno and Trevor.
Author’s Note: Rivals lost a lot of their difficulty after generation 3.
Trevor and Tierno, Double Battle
– Trevor
Pikachu Lv. 14
Flabebe Lv. 14
– Tierno
Corpish Lv. 16
Serena/Calem will use Fletching (level 15) and her starter with a type advantage (level 16). You are most likely a higher level than them. Watch out for Swords Dance and Thunder Wave.
Near the Connecting Cave, there is a tiny mushroom and a persim berry. You need Cut to get the Silver Powder. Check out the Photo Spot, too.
Pokemon found on Route 7
Swirlix (X-Fairy) Uncommon
Spritzee (Y-Fairy) Uncommon
Croagunk (Poison/Fighting) Common to Rare
Smeargle (Normal) Uncommon
Ducklett (Water/Flying) Uncommon
Roselia (Grass/Poison) Uncommon to Rare
Flabebe (Fairy) Common in blue/purple flowers
**Psyduck – Common
**Hoppip (Grass/Flying) Common
*Roselia – Rare
Go to Connecting Cave; the northern entrance is not the way, and you will fight a Pokemon Breeder. Go to the bottom entrance and the scientist will heal your Pokemon. There are items you can’t access yet. Catch an Axew if you want a physical Dragon type. Bagon on the next route is a better choice if you want a special Dragon type.
Pokemon in the Connecting Cave
*Whismur (Normal) Common
Meditite (Psychic/Fighting) Common
*Zubat (Poison/Flying) Common
*Axew (Dragon) Rare
On Route 8, you will grab another section of the Pokedex from Professor Sycamore’s assistants. Head down, fight the trainers, and encounter some great Pokemon to catch. There’s only four trainers
Author’s note: Route 8 is separated into two parts. I will cover the other half after Ambrette Town. I will also introduce Pokemon from previous routes when you get fishing rods and HM Surf.
Pokemon on Route 8 (the land half)
Spoink (Psychic) Common to Uncommon
*Zangoose (X-Normal) Uncommon
*Seviper (Y-Poison) Uncommon
Absol (Dark) Common to Uncommon
Drifloon (Ghost/Flying) Common to Uncommon
Mienfoo (Fighting) Common to Uncommon
Inkay (Dark/Flying) Common to Uncommon
Bagon (Dragon) Rare *becomes Dragon/Flying when it evolves into its final stage
**Taillow (Normal/Flying) Rare
**Wingull (Water/Flying) Common
There is a super potion hidden above the cave entrance, an HP Up down a few ledges, and escape rope and a leaf stone across some hoppable ledges. You need Strength to access the water stone. There’s a narrow ledge right next to the entrance to Ambrette Town that has a Heart Scale.
Rocks and Roll Fossils Galore
In Ambrette Town, there are a few things to do. A woman will give you TM94 Rock Smash. A girl in the hotel will give you TM96 (Nature Power). Next to the Fossil Lab is a guy who will trade a Dive Ball for one of your Poke Balls.
Go to the Fossil Lab immediately. You will be prompted to go to the Glittering Cave past Route 9. Get the Rocky Helmet from the woman in the gate to Glittering Cave. Route 9 lies ahead.
Pokemon found on Route 9
Hippopotas (Ground) Common
Sandile (Ground/Dark) Common
Helioptile (Electric/Normal) Uncommon
If you want a Helioptile, get one with the ability Dry Skin instead of the ability Sand Veil.
There’s a x defense and a paralyze heal beyond breakable rocks. A fire stone lies beyond the paralyze heal. A dusk ball is near the sky trainer. A super repel is hidden near the Pokemon ranger.
Note: You cannot fight a sky trainer without a Flying type or a Pokemon without the ability Levitate.
Pokemon found in the Glittering Cave
Machop (Fighting) Common
Cubone (Ground) Common
Rhyhorn (Rock/Ground) Uncommon
Onix (Rock/Ground) Uncommon *becomes Steel/Ground if evolved into Steelix
Solrock (Rock/Psychic) Uncommon
Lunatone (Rock/Psychic) Uncommon
Mawhile (Steel/Fairy) Rare
Kangaskhan (Normal) Rare
-Rock Smash
Dwebble (Bug/Rock) Common
Onix (Rock/Ground) Common *becomes Steel/Ground if evolved into Steelix
– Ceiling Drop
Swoobat (Psychic/Flying) Common
Ferroseed (Grass/Steel) Uncommon
There is a TM65 Shadow Claw, an escape rope, and a hard stone in the cave. Where you first encounter Team Flare, you can break rocks for Old Amber to get Aerodactyl.
Beat the Team Flare members and “rescue” the attendant. You will fight with Serena/Calem in a double battle against Team Flare. You can choose the Jaw or Sail Fossil. If you want JAW Tyrunt (Rock/Dragon) and SAIL Amaura (Rock/Ice).
Go back to the Fossil Lab. Resurrect any Pokemon you’d like if you want to. You can get the Aerodactylite immediately from a woman, but you can’t Mega Evolve yet.
Go to the Aquarium and pick up the fishing rod.
Pokemon found with the Old Rod
Magikarp (Water) Routes 3 and 22
Luvdisc (Water) Route 8 and Route 12
Poliwag (Water) Route 14 and 15, 16, 19, 21 *becomes Water/Fighting if Poliwhirl is evolved with a water stone.
Catch Luvdisc or use Thief to get Heart Scales. They are very useful later in the game.
You can get a pearl below the cliff in Ambrette Town, and a Rare Candy is hidden there. Use the Dowsing Machine you receive later in the route to get the hidden items.
Author’s Note: I will now only cover items that are of significance. Chances are, you are only selling those x attacks and others. At this point in the game, you will essentially be running through every new route with the dowsing machine activated.
There’s a Mago Berry ahead of the Aquarium. A stardust, ultra ball, and pearl are all in that area. There’s a heart scale ahead. You need the dowsing machine for all of them. Break rocks to find Barbaracle (Rock/Water). Breaking rocks also yield rare items.
Once you are in Cyllage City, you can go to the diner to see Pokedex entries that would be otherwise hard to get, but it’s expensive. In a house, you will get the trade item: sachet or whipped dream. Both are needed to evolve Swirlix or Spritzee. You can get TM44 Rest and TM88 Sleep Talk at the hotel. Remember to talk to the upstairs patrons. A woman will sell you Soda Pops, which are really useful potions. There’s a boutique as well. This is where the real customization begins.
For the Pokedex completionists, the clerk on the right of the Poke Mart sells Dusk, Net, and Nest Balls. You can also trade a Luvdisc for a Steelix (Steel/Ground). Completing a quiz will get you Persim berries if you go to the house behind the Pokemon Center. Also, there’s a Bicycle shop. Below the gym is a hidden Protein.
Go to Grant’s Gym. He’ll give you Strength. Climb the rocks and defeat the trainers to reach him.
Grant “The wild, yet cool and collected, rock climber.”
Amaura (Rock/Ice) Lv. 25
Tyrunt (Rock/Dragon) Lv. 25
There are numerous weaknesses you can take advantage of with Amaura. It has a double weakness to Fighting and Steel type moves. You most definitely should have Rock Smash on one of your Pokemon. Tyrunt is a different story; it has a double resistance to Fire, and its weaknesses to Grass and Water are nullified. For Amaura, make use of its poor defense, and Tyrunt’s special defense. Amaura can paralyze you, so pay attention to that, because loss of speed against Rock types is a terrible thing. Rock Tomb does a similar thing.
You will get the Cliff Badge and TM39 Rock Tomb. If Rock Tomb hits, it lowers the opponent’s speed.
Once you are done with that, go to the Connecting Cave entrance to Cyllage City and equip Strength to one of your Pokemon. Unlike Cut, it’s a great move for a while. Get TM40 Aerial Ace (It never misses), and TM21 Frustration (useless, it relies on you being terrible to your Pokemon). Knock down the boulders so you can easily access Cyllage City from Route 7.
What’s the meaning of Stonehenge?
Go to route 10, and pass through there; you will encounter several trainers and Team Flare members along the way. The Pokemon found in this route entirely depend on whether or not you are in the Yellow Flowers. Some of the “cooler” looking Pokemon are easy to find in the regular grass. The “cuter” Pokemon are more easily found in the yellow flowers. If you have a male Skitty with Cute Charm, use it here to catch an Eevee that is female so you can breed it. It’s much easier than trying to catch multiple Eevee individually. A lot of people like to use Eeveelution teams, and Pokedex completionists like to catch female Eevee for this reason. To get Sylveon, you need two hearts in Pokemon Amie and level up with Eevee knowing a Fairy-type move. Sigilyph doesn’t evolve, but it’s really powerful if you need an edge for the next Gym Battle. Hawlucha is a beast, and if you don’t catch it, you will learn why in the next Pokemon Gym.
Pokemon found on Route 10
Eevee (Normal) Uncommon to Rare
Snubull (Fairy) Common to Rare
*Houndour (X-Dark/Fire) Common to Uncommon/Rare in hordes, Electrike will not appear
*Electrike (Y-Electric) Common to Uncommon/Rare in hordes, Houndour will not appear
Sigilyph (Psychic/Flying) Common to Uncommon
Golett (Ground/Ghost) Common
Emolga (Electric/Flying) Rare in both areas
Hawlucha (Fighting/Flying) Uncommon to Rare
**Nosepass (Rock) Common *becomes Rock/Steel if it evolves
**Yanma (Bug/Flying) Uncommon
There is an Iapapa berry tree past the yellow flowers on this route, and TM73 Thunder Wave, which requires Strength. You can sell this one if you bought TM73 in Lumiose. A revive is hidden here. In the Stonehenge section, there is a hidden paralyze heal and burn heal in open patches of the grass. Get the Thunderstone. It’s only one of two found in the game, unless you unlocked the secret Super Training segments. If you need another one, it should be the fourth challenge reward. You’ll make it to Geosenge Town following the stone path.
In Geosenge, there is little to do, except the story segment where you follow Serena/Calem to the edge of town to pursue the Team Flare member that vanishes. Go to the hotel, and do what you need to do. A soft sand is near the Pokemon center, and a timer ball is behind it. You will get TM 66 Payback outside the changing room of the Pokemon center. It’s especially useful for slower Dark types. An everstone is given to you by a scientist in one of the houses. There’s a photo spot here as well.
You will fight Korrina upon attempting to get to Route 11.
Korrina, First Battle
Lucario (Fighting/Steel) Lv. 25
Lucario (Fighting/Steel) Lv. 25
Lucario is an excellent Pokemon for many reasons. Its typing eliminates many of its Fighting type weaknesses. It’s weak to Fire and Ground especially, as well as other Fighting type attacks. Don’t be surprised if you lose a couple of Pokemon, though. If she uses Swords Dance, wipe out the Lucario before it attacks as soon as possible. Lucario is frail, even with its Steel typing.
In Route 11, you will find a hidden Thunderstone (lucky you), and a Sitrus berry tree (remember to check and plant berries often). There’s a TM69 Rock Polish beyond the Cut tree, and a hyper potion in plain sight. The trainers here are kind of tough, and the sky trainer opens with an Emolga which will put a dent in you if you are not prepared. Staravia is a great Pokemon to have on your team if you still lack a Flying type and want one.
Pokemon found on Route 11
Nidorino (Poison) Rare
Nidorina (Poison) Rare
Sawk (X-Fighting) Common
Throh (Y-Fighting) Common
Hariyama (Fighting) Common/Uncommon
Staravia (Normal/Flying) Common/Uncommon
*Stunky (Poison/Dark) Uncommon
Chingling (Psychic) Uncommon
Dedenne (Electric/Fairy) Rare
**Nidoran (Male/Female) Common *they will intermingle with each other, but remember that you can only catch one Pokemon from a horde.
**Starly (Normal/Flying) Uncommon
Through the Looking Glass and a swarm of Psychic types
Go to Reflection Cave (heal at the Pokemon Center) proceed through there. You will encounter quite a few Ace Trainers with powerful Pokemon. This trainer class has much higher AI than other trainers, comparable to a Gym Leader. Watch out especially for the male with the Absol and Pinsir. Pack some repels if you don’t want to run into Pokemon here; but for Pokedex completionists, you will be in here for a while. This cave isn’t too difficult to navigate, but pay attention to loops as hidden items are there. These loops also back track you to the beginning of the cave and are inaccessible from the entrance side, so pay attention. Tierno will give you TM70 Flash, but you don’t need it. Watch out for Wobbuffet; these things are annoying and they can KO your Pokemon if chance betrays you.
Items in the Reflection Cave
– First Floor
Nest Ball
Moon Stone (GET THIS)
– B1
Black Belt
Escape Rope
Hyper Potion
– B2
TM74 Gyro Ball (Great for slow Pokemon)
Author’s Note: By now, you’ve already may have found a Psychic and Earth plate. They power up moves, but they are best used for Arceus, which is only available through distribution. This is why it isn’t mentioned.
Navigate the cave and catch some Pokemon. Solosis has a great third evolution if you’re patient enough.
Pokemon found in the Reflection Cave
Mr. Mime (Psychic/Fairy) Common
Wobbuffet (Psychic) Uncommon
Sableye (Dark/Ghost) Rare
Chingling (Psychic) Uncommon
*Roggenrola (Rock) Common
Solosis (Psychic) Common
*Carbink (Rock/Fairy) Uncommon *Will only show up in a horde with Roggenrola, and it’s rare.
**Mime Jr. (Psychic/Fairy) Common
Note: As with the Glittering Cave, Woobat and Ferroseed have the same drop from ceiling encounter rates. Use Gyro Ball with Ferroseed.
Now proceed to Shalour City.
Shalour is great, because you need to head to the tower first before the Gym Battle. Some parts of the city are blocked off until then. Just collect these items first: Eviolite (house east of Pokemon Center), Soothe Bell (house west of Pokemon center), Stardust x5 (second west house, need a Flying or Psychic type), another is hidden in a rock on the beach, a Max Ether is next to the tower and a Max Repel is hidden near it.
A guy will trade you a sitrus berry for a Leppa berry, but hold off until you have a lot of those. Some good TMs are available for sale at the Poke Mart: TMs 28 (Dig), 20 (Safeguard), 37 (Sandstorm), 84 (Poison Jab), and 7 (Hail).
Tierno will give you an intriguing stone, but you can’t do anyhting with it yet. Go into the tower, take a photo, watch the cutscene, and fight your rival.
Serena/Calem, First Battle
Meowstic (Psychic) Lv. 28
Absol (Dark) Lv. 28
Starter (w/ type advantage) Lv. 30
This is your first real battle with your rival. Just you and him/her. Note that Calem with use the male Meowstic, which has a support movepool, and Serena will use the female one, which is more aggressive. For now, they both use the same moves. This battle is somewhat challenging, as Serena/Calem uses Ace Trainer AI like most rivals (Tierno, Shauna, and Trevor notwithstanding) in the series. Your rival will use buffs with Light Screen from the get go (after Fake Out), and come out guns blazing. Your rival has quite an offensive team and will use powerful attacks for that section of the game. His/Her team is fairly well balanced, as a rival’s team should be.
Give the intriguing stone to a Hiker after watching the cutscene that follows after you beat your rival. He will give you an almost irreplaceable item: a sun stone. Always check your bag/party to see which ones will evolve with which stones. Remember, your Pokemon might stop naturally learning moves if you use one. There are a few exceptions like Eevee.
Go to the Gym. You will need to beat all of the trainers to proceed to Korrina. Watch out for Heracross (Bug/Fighting).
Korrina, “The Evolution Fighter!”
Mienfoo Lv. 29
Machoke Lv. 28
Hawlucha Lv. 32
Power-Up Punch is obviously a threat. It deals damage and buffs her! All of her Pokemon have it. She’ll use Fake Out from the get go (assuming you’re not at a type disadvantage), so knock out her Mienfoo quickly before you take too much damage. Praise Arceus that Mienfoo does not have High Jump Kick yet. Machoke is less of a threat, but it can use Rock Tomb against your Flying types, so be wary of overconfidence. Hawlucha may sweep your team, even if you are a few levels higher. Flying Press and Hawlucha’s stats are that frightening. Korrina might open up with Hone Claws to ensure that Flying Press doesn’t miss. Here’s your chance to do damage. Hawlucha also has Power-Up Punch, so don’t let her set up Flying Press! Korrina is one of the toughest Gym Leaders in the series because of this Pokemon alone. Electric and Fairy types are the best way to handle Hawlucha. If you have Dedenne or Sylveon, Hawlucha is that much easier. Dedenne is frail, but has a double resistance against Flying Press, which is a two type move.
When you beat her, she will give you the Rumble Badge and TM98 Power-Up Punch (AWESOME).
Go to the Pokemon Tower, and a Psychic along the way will give you TM47 Low Sweep when you climb up the stairs; now you must defeat Korrina one last time.
Korrina, Third Battle
(Mega) Lucario Lv. 32
You are forced to use the other Lucario in this fight. Mega Evolve, use Power-Up Punch twice, and pray to Arceus that she isn’t faster than you or lands a critical.
Your new Lucario should have a Hasty nature, so if you want to run a mixed set or a special set, there is no major detriment. By now, you might even be able to Mega Evolve your Kanto starter. Aerodactyl is an option as well. Break rocks in Glittering Cave to find Old Amber. Now you can go to Route 12, one of the longer routes in the game as it is attached to Azure Bay.
There are three items that require Cut: a sachet, an aspear berry tree, and a Leftovers.
There is one item that require Surf, which you get upon entering the route: a water stone hidden in a rock. An ice heal is hidden near the fisherman, and a honey is hidden near the fenced area. Ride the Skiddo to find a whipped dream and shiny stone. Evolves Togetic amongst a few others. A Net Ball is hidden near the Swimmer.
Talking to the first Pokemon breeder will give you a Lapras. If you lack a water type, this is a good choice, even if temporarily. Don’t fight the fisherman; he’s that recurring Pokemon character with the six Magikarps; It’s a waste of time and PP. Remember to break rocks with Rock Smash to get rare items and find Binacle and Dwebble.
Pokemon found on Route 12
Slowpoke (Water/Psychic) Common
Exeggcute (Grass/Psychic) Uncommon
*Tauros (Normal) Uncommon to Common /Rare in hordes
*Miltank (Normal) Uncommon to Common /Rare in hordes
Heracross (Y-Bug/Fighting) Rare
Pinsir (X-Bug) Rare
Chatot (Normal/Flying) Uncommon
Pachirisu (Electric) Rare
**Mareep (Electric) Uncommon
**Wingull (Water/Flying) Common
Tentacool (Water/Poison) Common
Mantyke (Water/Flying) Uncommon
Lapras (Water/Ice) Rare
Go north to Azure Bay. Photo Spot location. Fight the trainers (two of them are Sky Trainers), and catch any Pokemon you missed. All the Pokemon found here are almost the same as Route 12, except that it’s limited to Exeggcute, Slowpoke, Inkay (Rare), Chatot, and Wingull (horde only). Luvdisc is only available here, so farm some heart scales. The surfing encounter rate is the same.
Items in the Azure Bay:
Ampharosite (Gift from Old Man)
TM81 X-Scissor, Great move for offensive types and against next Gym Leader.
Deep Sea Tooth and Deep Sea Scale
Dive Ball
Star Piece (hidden on a grassy isle rock)
Hyper Potion (hidden)
This walkthrough will cover things found on Route 8 breifly now that you have access to Surf.
Pokemon found with Surf on Route 8
Tentacool (Water/Poison) Common
Wailmer (Water) Uncommon
You can find a heart scale hidden in a rock, and TM19 Roost (great for healing and countering Stealth Rock). Masquerin and Marill are found on Route 3.
Go to Coumarine City. You will run into Diantha at the station, make sure to get any items prior to that. In the hotel, there’s a variety of things to get like the TMs for playing a woman’s guessing game: TM 62 Acrobatics, 63 Embargo, 92 Trick Room, and 100 Confide.
You will get the lucky egg if you show a woman a happy Pokemon (in the hotel). There’s a hidden Elixir near the boats. In a house next to the lighthouse, a man will give you a Silk Scarf. There’s a shop that sells incense, which is required for certain breeding results. You need the lax incense to breed Munchlax for instance. A man will give you a berry in his stall daily.
At the station, a man will give you a metronome, which powers up repeated moves (not including multi-hit moves). Sycamore will also give you FLY. A punk will give you a black sludge, which heals Poison types like leftovers. Guessing a cry for a woman will get you the Poke Toy. Remember to find patrons in the hotel.
Lastly, A fisherman will give you the Good Rod.
Author’s Note: Fact checking was painful…
Pokemon caught with the Good Rod
Goldeen (Water) Routes 3 and 22
Carvahna (Water/Dark) Routes 22
Corpish (Water) Routes 3 *becomes Water/Dark upon evolution
Staryu (X-Water) Route 8 *becomes Water/Psychic upon evolution
Shellder (Y-Water) Route 8 *becomes Water/Ice upon evolution
Clauncher (X-Water) Route 8
Skrelp (Y-Poison/Water) Route 8 *becomes Poison/Dragon upon evolution
Remoraid (Water) Route 12
Clamperl (Water) Route 12
Poliwhirl (Water) Routes 14, 15, and 16, 19, and 21
Barboach (Water/Ground) Routes 14, 19, and 21
Basculin (Water) Routes 15, 16, and 21 *version depends on what color and ability it has
Dratini (Dragon) Route 21
Fight your rival once more.
Serena/Calem, Second Battle
Meowstic (Psychic) Lv. 31
Absol (Dark) Lv. 31
Starter (w/ type advantage)
This is the exact same battle as last time, just with higher levels. The moves don’t even change.
Go to the Gym and make it to Ramos.
Ramos, “This Old Growth is Still in Bloom!”
Jumpluff (Grass/Flying) Lv. 30
Weepinbell (Grass/Poison) Lv. 31
Gogoat (Grass) Lv. 34
By now you should have a balanced team prepared for Grass types, and maybe even a Grass type yourself. Charizard could burn his team to ashes regardless which mega evolution you have for him. Weepinbell is his only defense against Poison types, and watch out for being poisoned yourself. If you have Lapras or Amaura, you can simply OHKO his Jumpluff, but Acrobatics might catch you off guard. Grass Knot is his trump card, which will take out some of your heavier Pokemon if you had a Steelix, for instance. The only real challenge is if you decided to use Frogadier or Greninja just for laughs. His Gogoat does know Bulldoze, however. Any Fire type without the Flying subtype will probably get KO’d.
Beat Ramos, and you’ll get the Plant Badge and TM86 Grass Knot.
Now you can leave to Route 13, one of the most antagonistic routes in Pokemon. Even without patches of grass, the wind and the dust clouds will work against you almost all the time. Grab a Gible if you want a Dragon or Gournd type. Trapinch works, too. Magneton and Nosepass will evolve here. Defeat the Team Flare member, and find the Power Plant Pass, which is hidden on a rock. The entrance you can actually enter is the one with the Team Flare member you defeated in front of it.
Pokemon found on Route 13
Dugtrio (Ground) Common
Tranpinch (Ground) Common
Gible (Dragon/Ground) Uncommon
-Rock Smash
Graveler (Rock/Ground) Common
Slugma (Fire) Uncommon
Items worth getting:
Nest Ball (near entrance)
Smooth Rock (past a grind rail)
Fire Stone (hidden near the eastside central entrance to Power Plant)
Heat Rock (west side, hidden in a rock past railing)
Star Piece (next to Heat Rock)
PP Up (hidden in a rock far north of the route)
Rare Candy (rock smash; near the Lumiose city entrance)
Stardust (near rare candy)
Sun Stone (Lumiose City entrance, past rails)
TM57 Charge Beam (requires rock smash); great for electric and especially steel types.
Go inside the Power Plant. You will get TM43 Flame Charge and a Magnet from the employees in the Power Plant. Once you clear it, you’ll get two Full Restores from Dexio. To get through, you must defeat every Team Flare member, including the admin Aliyana. She sports a level 38 Mightyena. This place is really linear; there are no twists and turns to confuse you.
Once you are done, go to Lumiose City. You’ll watch a cutscene first.
The Tourist City (for real this time)
Go to the center of the city, and watch the cutscene. You can choose to challenge Clemont now in the Prism Tower, or explore the city. You need style points (which you cannot see) to enter some places. These will be indicated by asterisks in this walkthrough.
Explore any and all places that look intriguing to you. Most Cafes offer absolutely nothing for you except advice in its subject. It is recommended that you fight in the alley ways as a method of grinding. Defeating the beauties will yield a Destiny Knot, an Elixir, and a Nugget.
The Restaurant Le Nah/Yeah/Wow is a great way to get experience and mushrooms to sell for money. In the Poke Ball boutique, you can buy tons of Balls to help complete your Pokedex. A girl will give you a luxury ball or three heal balls daily.
If you went to at least one Photo Spot, you can get a lens from a patron in the Shutterbug Cafe. There’s a lottery place for prizes, and Alexa’s press is a free cab service.
To use the services that require “style” such as the boutique, you need to go talk to roller skaters that teach you new moves, visit some of the cafes and restaurants, and perform jobs for the Hotel. Doing various things will eventually unlock more places and benefits, like the Mega Stone being sold in the stone shop becoming cheaper. The Art Museum is personally my favorite.
In the Fighting Dojo, you can get a Protein and a Black Belt, which are both helpful. The Juice shop is cool, too.
Once you are done shopping and feel like a tourist, go to Clemont’s gym, in the exact center of the city. The answers to his quiz are Pikachu (#3), Fletchling (#1), Panpour (#3), and Vivillon (#2).
Clemont, “The Inventor Lighting Up the World”
Emolga (Electric/Flying) Lv. 35
Magneton (Electric/Steel) Lv. 35
Helioisk (Electric/Normal) Lv. 37
Emolga is quick, and if you are not opening up with a Ground type, he’ll use Volt Switch. If your Ground type knows a rock move as well as the usual Ground type repertoire (Dugtrio, Tranpinch, and Gible for instance), Clemont is laughably easy. He does, however, use Thunderbolt. This is a dangerous move, as it deals a lot of damage, has high accuracy, and can paralyze. Non Ground types should watch out. Magneton has 10 resistances (some of them are double resistances). Unless you have a Ground type, don’t let Magneton set up Electric Terrain. But, guess what? He’s doubly weak to Ground type moves! Helioisk’s Grass Knot is the only threat to you, if you have a Ground type. But Ground type attacks still work. Get a Ground type. Seriously. Earthquake.
He will give you the Voltage Badge and TM24 Thunderbolt upon defeating him. Lysandre will give you something, too.
Spooky Route
You will fight your rival again north of Route 14.
Serena/Calem, Third Battle
Meowstic Lv. 35
Absol Lv. 35
Starter (w/type advantage) Lv. 37
There isn’t much change in Meowstic. Still expect her to use Light Screen off the bat. She can buff her Absol now with Swords Dance. Slash has a high critical rate, and it can KO your Pokemon after a buff or two. Swords Dance is probably the best buff in the game. Her starter is now in its final stage, and it can use its signature attack Mystical Fire (attacks, cuts accuracy), Water Shuriken (goes first, hits 2-5 times), and Spiky Shield (block attack; deal damage). Still the same team.
Now proceed north, you will use Surf and move very slowly as you waltz along. Items worth getting are the rare candy, cleanse tag, big mushroom, and hyper potion. TM06 Toxic, which is a gift (great move, badly inflicts poison), the damp rock north of the person who gave you the TM, and the Spell Tag. A revive is hidden in the tombstone. There’s also a Roseli berry tree and a TM61 Will-O-Wisp. Will-O-Wisp burns. You need Cut for it.
Keep going north. This path is quite linear. Your last chance for a Dragon type is Goomy, but Haunter is also a great option.
Pokemon found on Route 14
Weepinbell (Grass/Poison) Common in grass only
Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Rare
Quagsire (Water/Ground) Common to Uncommon/ also found by surfing
*Skorupi (Poison/Bug) Common in grass only
Carnivine (Grass) Uncommon to Rare
Karrablast (Bug) Uncommon
Shelmet (Bug) Uncommon
Stunfisk (Electric/Ground) Common in swamp only/ also found surfing
Goomy (Dragon) Uncommon to Common/ also found by surfing
**Ekans (Poison) Uncommon
**Bellsprout (Grass/Poison) Common
Big Tree City of Cosplay
You will get TM41 Torment from a boy near the entrance to the city. A Hex Maniac in the Pokemon Fan Club will give you a Gengarite if you want to evolve and mega evolve your Haunter. An Ultra Ball and Leaf Stone are hidden. There are some NPCs that will give you Poke Dolls daily. This town’s boutique is significantly cheaper than Lumiose’s. You can buy EV drugs for Pokemon from the Pokemon Marts right clerk.
There isn’t much to do until you go to the Gym. There are only four trainers and you can navigate this place pretty easily, even though it’s based on Saffron Gym. The four trainers are unique, so do what you can to face them all and see their artwork!
Valerie, “The Maiden from the Land of History”
Mawhile (Steel/Fairy) Lv. 38
Mr. Mime (Psychic/Fairy) Lv. 39
Sylveon (Fairy) Lv. 42
Fairy types don’t have many weaknesses, and the special defense of Fairy types are obnoxiously high. You will need to use Poison or Steel type attacks to deal any real damage, especially to Mawhile, which sports many resistances. Thankfully Mawhile and Mr. Mime have secondary types, which leave a little more open room to make use of the type advantages. Dazzling Gleam works a lot like X-Scissor and Aqua Tail in terms of use, so keep that in mind. It’s also quite powerful. Catching some of the Poison types in the swamp can help you a little.
She will give you the Fairy Badge and TM99 Dazzling Gleam for beating her.
Go north to the Poke Ball Factory, and defeat Team Flare there. Outside there are four hidden items, but the only ones you really need are the max ether and max revive, which are not hidden. There is a series of switches which will affect the direction of the conveyor belts. There are only five Team Flare members inside, but remember to plan accordingly since villainous teams like Poison, Sleep, and Confusion status effects. If nothing else (there are no hidden items) get the Metal Coat. It will evolve Scyther into Scizor and Onix into Steelix when you trade them.
Now you will battle Celosia and Byrony, both of which have a Manetric (Electric) and Liepard (Dark) respectively. This is a double battle, and Serena/Calem will join your party for a little bit. It is unlikely that you will lose this battle because of your partner. Defeat Manetric first as it has more dangerous attacks. Once you beat them, you will get a nugget and a Master Ball. Use it as you wish.
Now you can head to Route 15. This route has a few twists and turns, some of which do require Surf to navigate. Many of the items in this route are hidden , but they are somewhat useless in this part of the game, when you have a lot of experience.
-Items worth getting
Revive (pile of leaves)
Leppa Berry Tree
PP Up (pile of leaves/ requires Surf)
Full Heal
Protein (requires Rock Smash)
HP Up (requires Rock Smash, Cut, and Surf)
Macho Brace (requires Rock Smash)
TM97 Dark Pulse (requires Cut, Surf, and Waterfall) GREAT MOVE
Pokemon found on Route 15
Mightyena (X-Dark) Common to Uncommon
Liepard (Y-Dark) Common to Uncommon
Skorupi (Poison/Bug) Common to Uncommon
Watchog (Normal) Uncommon to Common
*Klefki (Steel/Fairy) Uncommon
*Foongus (Grass/Poison) Common
Pawniard (Dark/Steel) Common to Uncommon
**Murkrow (Dark/Flying) Common
Lombre (Water/Grass) Common
Floatzel (Water) Common
Klefki is a great Pokemon with its typing and its ability Prankster. You can enter Route 16 or the Lost Hotel. This walkthrough assumes you are opening the shortcut to Lumiose City first before exploring the Lost Hotel.
The Last Rod
Route 16 has exceptionally tough trainers, some of which are Sky Battlers. Tip: If you need money, equip an Amulet Coin to your Flying type and beat the sky trainers. Pumpkaboo and its many variations are available here. This route is a shortcut to Lumiose.
Pokemon found on Route 16
– Tall Grass
*Foongus – Common
*Klefki – Uncommon
Phatump (Ghost/Grass) Uncommon
Pumpkaboo (Ghost/Grass) Common to Rare/size determines encounter rate, Super Size is the most rare.
– Normal Grass and Flowers
Weepinbell – Common
Floatzel – Common
Skorupi – Common
Fonngus – Common
Klefki – Uncommon
Phantump – Uncommon
**Murkrow -Common
– Surfing
Lombre – Common
Floatzel – Common
– Items worth getting
Max Revive (hidden)
2 rare candies (one requires Cut, the other is hidden and requires Strength)
Lum Berry Tree
Max Potion (pile of leaves)
Dive Balls (a lot of them can be given to you)
Get the fishing rod from one of the fisherman in the shack. It has the best rate of catching great Pokemon.
Pokemon caught with the Super Rod
Seaking (Water) Routes 3, 22
Gyarados (Water/Flying) Routes 3, 22
Crawdaunt (Water/Dark) Route 3
Sharpedo (Water/Dark) Route 22
Cloyster (Y-Water/Ice) Route 8
Starmie (X-Water/Psychic) Route 8
Qwilfish (Water/Poison) Route 8
Dragalge (Y-Poison/Dragon) Route 8
Clawitzer (X-Water) Route 8
Corsola (Water/Rock) Route 12
Octillery (Water) Route 12
Huntail (X-Water) Route 12
Gorebyss (Y-Water) Route 12
Poliwhirl (Water) Routes 14, 15, 16, 19, 21
Whiscash (Water/Ground) Routes 14, 19
Basculin (Water) Routes 15, 16, 21
Politoad (Water) Route 19
Dragonair (Dragon) Route 21
Azure Bay specific Pokemon (found with specific fishing rods)
Luvdisc (Water) Old Rod
Chinchou (Water/Electric) Good Rod
Remoraid (Water) Good Rod
Alomomola (Water) Super Rod
Lanturn (Water/Electric) Super Rod
Octillery (Water) Super Rod
* These Pokemon are also found in Shalour City
Pokemon found in Ambrette Town and Cyllage City with a Super Rod
Seadra (Water) *Trade with Dragon Scale for a Water/Dragon type.
Relicanth (Water/Rock)
The Lost Hotel can be accessed from either Route 15 or Route 16. If a trash can is shaking, you can find an item daily. Weekly, you will find a great item. Be careful though; sometimes a Pokemon will be hidden in the trash cans. Weekly, there will be a Rotom, which is a rare Pokemon in of itself. This hotel is full of punk girls and guys that use Poison and Dark types. If you make it to the end, there’s a guy who will teach you a roller skating move. You need to talk to the others first, and you should have some style points.
Places to find the Roller Skaters who teach you new moves:
– Lumiose City, South Boulevard Office
– Lumiose City, Vert Plaza
– Lumiose City, Estival Avenue
– Lumiose City, North Boulevard, outside the hotel
– Lost Hotel guy.
Get the Smoke Ball, Twisted Spoon, and Protector (Rock Smash). TM 95 Snarl and 56 Fling are available through Rock Smash as well. Fling is a waste of a move slot. Don’t use it.
Pokemon found in the Lost Hotel
Magneton (Electric/Steel) Common
Klefki (Steel/Fairy) Common
Litwick (Ghost/Fire) Common
Pawniard (Dark/Steel) Common
Electrode (Electric) Common
– Trash Cans
Trubbish (Poison) Common
Garbodor (Poison) Common
Rotom (Electric) Common /WEEKLY ONLY, STILL VERY HARD TO FIND/Its other forms are available, but they are exceptionally rare.
*Go to the second floor of Sycamore’s Lab to change Rotom’s forms. They are the appliance boxes.
Head to Dendemille Town when you are done.
This place has a lot of good stuff in it. There are no boutiques here, but there is a move deleter and move rememberer. You need Heart Scales to remember moves. Some Pokemon need to know a certain move such as Yanma, Tangela, and Piloswine (which is only available via a heart scale), to evolve. Most of the time it’s Ancient Power. A move deleter will help you delete unwanted HM moves, such as Cut.
Items worth getting:
– Hex Maniac sells MooMoo Milks, which are great alternatives to Hyper-Potions
– Woman in Pokemon center gives you a Sitrus berry
– Big Root
– Nugget hidden near the Big Root
– If you have a Super Size Gorgeist (“trade required” evolution of Pumpkaboo), a boy will give you a Big Nugget.
– TM42 Facade, given to you by a boy. If you use a Toxic Orb or a Machamp with Guts, this move is great.
– Leppa Berry, daily gift from a woman
– Shell Bell, gift from a woman
Go north to the Frost Cavern. There are four trainers. You can find a heart scale and TM71 Stone Edge (you need both Surf and Waterfall).
Once inside, you will need to look carefully at the floor so you can navigate the slippery ice. If you are an item collector, this can be absolutely dreadful if you miss one little detail. Trainers will ambush you as well if you slide in their direction, but in Pokemon, you must always be prepared for a cave. The trainers in here use a lot of Fighting types. The main difference between this cavern than the ones in previous games is that you will need to slide diagonally to reach some items and trainers and areas. Level up Eevee near the Ice Rock for Glaceon.
Items worth getting (will now be more scarce, as you should know what you’re doing by now)
-First floor
Icy Rock (requires Surf)
Dusk Ball
– Second Floor
Never Melt Ice
TM719Frost Breath
– Third Floor
Elixir (hidden)
PP Up (hidden)
Abomosite (received from Abomasnow after beating Team Flare)
At the end of the cave, will need to fight a Team Flare member and Mable, which sports a level 48 Houndoom. This Pokemon is quite threatening compared to other Pokemon held by Team Flare members. Fighting and Rock types will make quick work of her.
Pokemon found in the Frost Cavern
Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Rare
Beartic (Ice) Common
Cyrogonal (Ice) Rare
Bermite (Ice) Common
Jynx (Ice/Psychic) Common
Piloswine (Ice/Ground) Common
**Vanillite (Ice) Common
**Cubchoo (Ice) Common
**Smoochum (Ice/Psychic) Rare
Now you can access Route 17. You will need to ride the Mamoswine to get across. There is only one trainer, and it’s a sky trainer. The only items on this route worth getting are a Calcium and a rare candy. There is a hidden Timer Ball if you’re interested.
Pokemon on Route 17
Snover (Grass/Ice) Common
Sneasel (Dark/Ice) Common
Deliberd (Ice/Flying) Common
Abomasnow (Grass/Ice) Rare
Welcome to Anistar City. There is a big monument that you can’t do anything with yet. There’s a boutique, so yay. Someone will check which type your Pokemon’s Hidden Power will be, and an old man that will request that you give him a level 5 or under Pokemon (this pays off later). You can also buy the TMs 14 (Blizzard) 15 (Hyper Beam) 38 (Fire Blast) 25 (Thunder) and 52 (Focus Blast) at the Pokemon mart right clerk. You will fight your rival again before you can challenge the gym. You can find a hidden Sun Stone and a Psychic will give you the move TM10 Hidden Power. Talk to the Hex Maniac at four different times to get TMs, but the only one worth getting is TM35 Flamethrower, which can be obtained between 11:00 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.
Serena/Calem, Fourth Battle
Meowstic (Psychic) Lv. 44
Absol (Dark) Lv. 44
Jolteon/Flareon/Vaporeon Lv. 44 (Type matches your starter with the exception of Chespin).
Starter (with type advantage) Lv. 46
The Eeveelutions aren’t necessarily anything to worry about, but they do each have a move that assists in covering their weaknesses. Meowstic and Absol are now more threatening than ever as they now know Shadow Ball and Night Slash, respectively. Meowstic also sports one of the strongest Psychic type moves with Psychic (a precursor of what’s to come). Remember that Absol can buff itself with Swords Dance. Each starter that your rival uses has two exceptionally powerful moves. Greninja would be the greatest threat, as it sports the speed to sweep you. If you still have a dark type or a Houndoom, Delphox will be easy. Use a Flying type move on Chesnaught.
Go to the Gym. The path is linear, so focus your efforts on the trainers. You can actually leave and heal your Pokemon, because personally this gym leader is kinda tough.
Olympia “The person who makes paths with starlight.”
Sigilyph (Psychic/Flying) Lv. 44
Slowking (Water/Psychic) Lv. 45
Meowstic (Psychic) Lv. 48
Olympia is similar to Korrina except that she deals with the special attacks instead of Physical. Sigiliph must be defeated quickly, as it is probably her best Pokemon (you are used to fighting Meowstic by now). She’ll open up with Light Screen or Reflect to buff her team. It knows both Air Slash and Psychic. They all know Psychic. Use the buffing turns to take it out. Rock types and Ice types are your best bet. Switch them out when she sends out Slowking. It’s really just a battle of power at this point.
Defeating her will get you the Psychic Badge and the TM04 Calm Mind, which boosts both special attack and special defense.
Taking out a crime syndicate… in style!
You won’t be able to continue the game until you defeat Team Flare. The story should indicate this, and the first place you want to go is Lumiose City. Fly or take Route 16. Go to the Lysandre Cafe. The entrance is behind the cabinet, you will have to fight a member before getting access. There are spinner tiles and some “warp” tiles in the hideout, but unlike Team Rocket’s hideout and the Silph Co., they are much easier to foresee and memorize. Team Flare members will wait at every corner ready to ambush you. Last, but definitely not least, you will have to fight all the admins.
But first, fight Lysandre.
Lysandre, First Battle
Meinfoo (Fighting) Lv. 45
Murkrow (Dark/Flying) Lv. 45
Pyroar (Fire/Normal) Lv. 47
Gyarados (Water/Flying) Lv. 49
Each one of Lysandre’s Pokemon has a dangerous attack and must be dealt with quickly. Sporting a resistance should be enough but be careful nonetheless. His Mienfoo knows Hi Jump Kick, his Murkrow knows Foul Play (the higher your attack, the more damage it does) and Retaliate, his Pyroar knows Fire Blast, and Gyrados should be blasted with a lighting attack the moment it shows up.; that’s how dangerous it is otherwise.
Once you beat him, use the place to navigate to the rooms on the far north of the place to fight the Team Flare Admins. TM12 Taunt is great for many things. There are no hidden items and three revives are straight up given to you.
Team Flare Admin Showdown
– Aliana
Mightyena (Dark) Lv. 46
Druddigon (Dragon) Lv. 48
– Celosia
Manetric (Electric) Lv. 46
Drapion (Poison/Dark) Lv. 48
– Byrony
Liepard (Dark) Lv. 46
Bisharp (Dark/Steel) Lv. 48
– Mable
Houndoom (Dark/Fire) Lv. 46
Weaville (Dark/Ice) Lv. 48
You will need to fight each member individually in different rooms. Mable has the elevator key. You still need to fight all of them to progress. Most of the Pokemon they use are Dark types of some kind, so stick to Bug, Fairy, or Fighting types. Aliana’s Dragon type Druddigon is the only one that will give you issue if you are using a Fighting type instead of a Fairy type. Drapion is also fairly impressive as a Pokemon.
Once you have the elevator key, go down to the bottommost floor. You will watch a cutscene, and then fight Xerosic.
Crobat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 46
Malamar (Dark/Psychic) Lv. 48
Crobat will out speed you, so expect to get poisoned. It sports Air Slash and X-Scissor as well, so it’s weaknesses are covered for the most part. What is really dangerous is his Malamar and its ability Contrary. If you get hit by Superpower, Malamar will get buffed instead of lose its power. Malamar has a double weakness to Bug moves. If Scyther is one your team (or Scizor) you should be able to beat him easily enough.
Go to Geosenge Town and head to the rock formation in the northwest of town. That’s where the secret HQ is. Once you enter the HQ you will fight Lysandre again (you fight him twice, so I will only cover the last battle here). His first two Pokemon are now fully evolve and ready to pummel you, but the strategy is essentially the same.
You will team up with Serena/Calem yet again and fight your way through various Admins (that are not the four girls). Then you will engage Xerneas (X-Fairy) Yveltal (Y-Dark/Flying). You must catch it to progress through the game. Don’t use your Master Ball if you can help it. A Timer, Quick, and Ultra Balls should be able to get the job done. It will take up the first slot of your party if you decide not to put it in a box.
This time you fight Lysandre for real, now that he’s packing a Mega Evolution.
Lysandre, Third Battle
Mienshao (FIghting) Lv. 49
Honchkrow (Dark/Flying) Lv. 49
Pyroar (Fire/Normal) Lv. 51
MEGA Gyarados (Water/Dark) Lv. 53
If you are using the legendary Pokemon you caught earlier, this battle is laughably easy. He’s got no defense or countermeasure whatsoever against Xerneas and Yveltal except for Mega Gyarados, and it’s likely you are faster than him. If not, the same strategy can still apply here. You may need to 2HKO Mega Gyarados with two Pokemon, as it sports a heavy Attack stat and Earthquake. An electric type would be hard pressed to knock it out before landing Earthquake, assuming it’s not Jolteon. A Fairy type would have much less trouble in this fight. Sylveon, Mr. Mime, Mawhile, and a few others will handle Mega Gyarados with ease. Watch out for Iron Head, however.
Once that is all done, go to Route 18 south of Anistar City and finish your journey. This route is pretty linear, and only a few items are worth getting, such as the ether (hidden near ledge), the max ether, and the PP Up near the Wacan berry tree (which requires Cut). You can fight Inver for berries, but keep in mind that all the type matchups are reversed. Lairon and Pupitar are excellent tank choices for your team.
Pokemon found on Route 18
Sandslash (Ground) Common to Uncommon
Graveler (Rock/Ground) Uncommon
Pupitar (Y-Rock/Ground) Uncommon *becomes Rock/Dark upon evolution.
Lairon (X-Steel/Rock) Uncommon
Torkoal (Fire) Common to Uncommon
Gurdurr (Fighting) Common to Uncommon
*Heatmor (Fire) Rare
*Durant (Bug/Steel) Uncommon
**Geodude (Rock/Ground) Common
Terminus Cave is to the right. Considering that this cave contains Zygarde, this walkthrough will still assume you’re going through the primary section of the cave first. Have Rock Smash on you.
This cave has twists and turns and some loops that require you to backtrack in some frustrating ways. Including Lairon and Pupitar, there are some worthwhile Pokemon here. Two hidden sections of the cave require you to walk on the elevated tracks to reach some really good items.
Pokemon found in Terminus Cave
Note: Same as Route 18, excluding Heatmor and Torkoal. Hoard encounters now include Larvitar (Y) and Aron (X), while retaining the Durant and Geodude encounters. Use Rock Smash to find Shuckle (Bug/Rock) and Graveler. Noibat (Flying/Dragon) and Ariados (Bug/Poison) drop from the ceiling.
Items worth getting:
– Small Chambers 1 and 2
Dragon Scale
TM31 Brick Break
– B1
Heat Rock
Reaper Cloth
Moon Stone (hidden in narrow path)
– B2
Iron (hidden on a stalagmite)
Dusk Stone
Full Heal
TM30 Shadow Ball (Ghost type equivalent of Psychic)
Make sure you get some of these items. There’s a few others that are somewhat helpful, but at this stage in the game, they are not immediately or practically useful.
Get to Couriway Town once you decide to leave Route 18 and Terminus Cave. In Couriway town, you will fight the professor a second time, with him sporting the final evolutions of the Kanto starters.
Professor Sycamore, Second Battle
Venusaur (Grass/Poison) Lv. 50
Charizard (Fire/Flying) Lv. 50
Blastoise (Water) Lv. 50
Have no fear, they will not Mega Evolve or have their best attacks (with the exception of Venusaur and Petal Blizzard). Charizard is easily dispatched by Rock type attacks and Blastoise can only buff its physical defense with Iron Defense. Venusaur has both Petal Dance and Petal Blizzard, which actually makes it quite the threat. Make sure to defeat it before it gets a rhythm going.
Check for items in Couriway Town and proceed on your journey. Check the train station seats for some inspiring words. A woman will give you TM89 U-turn, and a girl will give you TM55 Scald, which is a Water type move that burns. You need Waterfall to access TM80 Rock Slide. It goes without saying you need Surf to use Waterfall. Get the prism scale. It is hidden on a single tile of land after using Surf. Some more people will quiz you for extra items, but they aren’t necessarily the items you really need to look for.
Now head to Route 19. There is a three intersection split, so prepare for infuriating backtracking. Once you get on the bridge of the center of the route, you will have a battle with all the rivals that aren’t Serena/Calem.
“They are really rivals if you think about it” Showdown
– Shauna
Delcatty (Normal) Lv. 49
Goodra (Dragon) Lv. 49
Starter (w/ type disadvantage) Lv. 51
– Tierno
Talonflame (Fire/Flying) Lv. 49
Roserade (Grass/Poison) Lv. 49
Crawdaunt (Water/Dark) Lv. 52
– Trevor
Raichu (Electric) Lv. 49
Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying) Lv. 49
Florges (Fairy) Lv. 51 *Evolves from Floette with a shiny stone.
Some of these Pokemon look impressive, but the trainer AI for them really diminishes their potential. There is no threat level from Shauna’s team except Goodra. Hit it with physical attacks and watch out for its heavy hitting Dragon Pulse. Tierno will always use a dance move first (worst gimmick ever) so sweep him before he gets the chance. Trevor will play it smart and use defensive moves, terrain moves, and moves that inflict status effects. His Pokemon are exceptionally frail. In three words for this showdown: Hit them harder.
Items worth getting on this route are the MAX REVIVE, a hidden Damp Rock on a lilypad (Surf), a Rare Bone, a PP Up, a Yache berry tree, TM36 Sludge Bomb, an HP Up, and Shauna at some point will give you Waterfall. You will need Surf for almost all items that need to be found.
Pokemon on Route 19
Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Rare
Sliggoo (Dragon) Uncommon
Karrablast (Bug) Uncommon
Shelmet (Bug) Uncommon
Drapion (Poison/Dark) Common to Uncommon
*Weepinbell (Grass/Poison) Common
Quagsire (Water/Ground) Uncommon
Carnivine (Grass) Rare
**Arbok (Poison) Common
**Gligar (Ground/Flying) Uncommon
– Surfing
Quagsire – Common
Stunfisk (Ground/Electric) Common
Sliggoo – Rare
Snowy Town of Beautiful Bliss
Welcome to Snowbelle City. You can trade Jigglypuff for Bisharp here. A battle girl will give you TM08 Bulk Up. Get the Ice Rock, it’s not hidden. There’s a boutique here, with a lot of cool stuff, like those puffy jackets.
You will need to go south to Route 20 before you can fight the final Gym Leader (He’s awesome). Route 20 is a real maze. Think of it as the Lost Woods from LoZ, without the” start at the beginning (there are still some paths that do that).” The only worthwhile items in here are the berry trees, which you can’t miss. There is also TM53 Energy Ball, which is near the Pokemon Village entrance. Level up Eevee near the Moss Rock for Leafeon.
Pokemon found on Route 20
Jigglypuff (Normal/Fairy) Common to Uncommon
Noctowl (Normal/Flying) Common
Zoroark (Dark) Rare *Great Pokemon
Gothorita (Psychic) Common to Uncommon
Amoonguss (Grass/Poison) Common
*Trevenant (Ghost/Grass) Common to Uncommon
**Sudowoodo (Rock) Rare w/ Trevenant *They will attack it.
**Foongus (Grass/Poison) Common
Once you get through the forest, head back to Snowbelle once you talk to Wulfric.
Now head to the Gym, and rotate the switches to reach him.
Wulfric, “Tough as an Iceberg, hot as a Furnace”
Abomasnow (Grass/Ice) Lv. 56
Cyrogonal (Ice) Lv. 55
Avalugg (Ice) Lv. 59
If you have a well-raised Fire type, this guy is a pushover. But he sports a reasonable team with some powerful defenses (Cyrogonal is special, Avalugg is physical). He uses steel type moves to complement his weakness to Rock, and will use Hail and Confuse Ray when Abomasnow is defeated. He has high level Pokemon, and powerful attacks like Ice Beam and Wood Hammer. He also uses Flash Cannon. The best way to defeat him is to make use of his weak defense of Cyrogonal, and special defense of Avalugg. Any fire attack will make quick work of Abomasnow.
Beating him will earn you the Iceberg Badge and TM13 Ice Beam, one of the best moves in the franchise.
Fancy Four
Now it is time to finish the initial game. Get together any unfinished business discussed earlier in this walkthrough. You will have one route, one dungeon, and five successive, really tough, battles.
First head to the west side of Snowbelle and proceed through Route 21. Here are some great Pokemon to catch if you somehow haven’t gotten a full team yet or just looking for a replacement. In particular, if you have a friend and Metal Coat, you can get a Scyther here and evolve it to Scizor.
There is a guy in a house who will teach Draco Meteor to a Dragon type Pokemon. Keep in mind that this is a Special move and would benefit Salamance, Noivern, and Goodra (needs rain to evolve from Sliggoo) instead of Tyrantrum and Haxorus. Dragonite is debatable; it really depends on your build. If you are thinking about competitive, Draco Meteor isn’t a good move (drops Special Attack by two stages).
There is a Figy berry tree, and it needs cut. TM22 Solarbeam needs Cut, Surf, and Strength to access. It’s way too late for this move to be useful, and Venusaur probably has learned it already by now. There are two elixirs, both are hidden. One needs Cut, and the other needs Cut, Surf, and Strength. There’s also a hidden Pearl String near some purple flowers. Get the rare candy for any lower level Pokemon. A hidden PP Up is near the berry tree.
Pokemon found on Route 21
*Scyther (Bug/Flying) Uncommon
Ursaring (Normal) Uncommon
*Spinda (Normal) Common
Altaria (Dragon/Flying) Uncommon
Floatzel (Water) Common
**Swablu (Normal/Flying) Common
– Surfing
Lombre (Water/Grass) Common
Floatzel (Water) Common
Welcome to Victory Road. Now this cave has many powerful trainers and Pokemon inside of it. Prepare yourself. This cave itself actually doesn’t have too many twists and turns, and relies more on power to overwhelm you. There are several sections; I will detail them with an “items worth getting” list.
Items worth getting:
– First cave
– First Grove
Hyper Potion (hidden)
Full Heal (hidden)
– Behind Waterfall
TM03 Psyshock
– Second cave
Smooth Rock (hidden in stalagmite)
– Outside Cliff
Rare Candy
– Second Grove
EVERYTHING (seriously, search every nook and cranny) except the pretty wing
– Third Cave
Dragon Fang
Full Restore
– Third Grove
TM02 Dragon Claw
Max Ether
– Fourth Cave
Star Piece (hidden)
Don’t forget that Rock Smash produces rare items.
Pokemon found in Victory Road (rough estimates)
*Graveler – Common
Haunter – Uncommon
*Lickitung (Normal) Uncommon
Gurdurr (Fighting) Common
Druddigon (Dragon) Common
Zweilous (Dark/Dragon) Rare
***Floatzel (Water) Surf and Horde only, Common
**Geodude – Common
Lombre – Common, Surf Only
Poliwhirl – Common, Surf Only
– Drop from Ceiling
Ariados (Bug/Poison)
Noibat (Flying/Dragon)
– Sky Swoops (in open areas)
Fearow (Normal/Flying) Common
Skarmory (Steel/Flying) Uncommon
Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon) Rare
Shuckle is a rare find with Rock Smash.
Now fight your rival for the last time.
Serena/Calem, Final Battle
Meowstic Lv. 57
Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Flareon Lv. 57
Altaria Lv. 58
Absol Lv. 59
Starter Lv. 61
Prepare yourself. This rival battle is somewhat tough, as the rival in question here is using Pokemon comparable to the Champion of the first game. At this point, you should be used to fighting Meowstic and Absol, but they have Psychic and Swords Dance still. Absol also will land frequent critical hits. The Eeveelutions are surprisingly underwhelming at this point in the game. Just don’t catch yourself having a type disadvantage. Greninja is the only threatening starter left to deal with. You also might have a water type that can use Ice Beam to handle Altaria easily.
Once you are done with Victory Road, now challenge the Elite Four. You can challenge them in any order. Challenge the tough ones first according to you so you won’t exhaust any of your preparations. Keep in mind that there is a fifth battle after all of this.
Elite Four Wikstrom
Klefki (Steel/Fairy) Lv. 63
Probopass (Rock/Steel) Lv. 63
Scizor (Bug/Steel) Lv. 63
Aegislash (Ghost/Steel) Lv. 65
The best way to deal with this guy is a Fighting type with a high level. And Arceus help him if you decide to roll with a Mega Lucario. Klefki will set up Spikes and Torment; Spikes isn’t too bad if you’re on a roll, but Torment can keep you from sweeping him. Probopass will be tough to take down, but there is no danger to you if you have a Ground type. A Ground type will wreck him. Scizor is a different story, sporting good moves and the ability Technician. The only move to seriously watch out for is Bullet Punch. With Technician, Bullet Punch becomes a nightmare as it is a priority move like Quick Attack. Aegislash will switch stances and stats. Take it out when it’s in its attack stance. King’s Shield will always switch it into defense stance.
Elite Four Malva
Pyroar (Fire/Normal) Lv. 63
Torkoal (Fire) Lv. 63
Chandelure (Ghost/Fire) Lv. 63
Talonflame (Fire/Flying) Lv. 65
She is all power and no defense. Any Rock type will overwhelm her, but a Water type is more than enough. It really is a matter of power. Talonflame is very unlikely to sweep your team. Pull out all the stops to defeat Chandelure, if nothing else.
Elite Four Drasna
Dragalge (Poison/Dragon) Lv. 63
Druddigon (Dragon) Lv. 63
Altaria (Dragon/Flying) Lv. 63
Noivern (Flying/Dragon) Lv. 65
Probably one of the weaker “Dragon Masters” in the series as she lacks the big hit Pokemon of others, she’s still a force to be reckoned with. Dragalge is a special defense based Pokemon, and Drasna’s AI will most likely trigger Sludge Bomb in an attempt to poison you. Open this battle up with a Steel or Ground type. Altaria is weak to Rock and Ice type moves specifically, so use that Ice Beam in this fight. Druddgon is nothing to be concerned about; watch out for Retaliate on the switch, and Dragon Tail to force the switch. Noivern is the most dangerous of her team, obviously. But it knows Super Fang. You know, that annoying move only the beginning rodent Pokemon learn and it cuts half your health? Yeah. The absolute best way to deal with Noivren is Ice Beam. It also knows Air Slash, Flamethrower, and Dragon Pulse.
Elite Four Seibold
Clawitzer (Water) Lv. 63
Gyarados (Water/Flying) Lv. 63
Starmie (Water/Psychic) Lv. 63
Barbaracle (Rock/Water) Lv. 65
Lightning. Clawizter and Starmie are special sweepers, while Gyarados and Barbaracle are physical ones. Clawitzer and Gyarados by themselves are easy to handle with an Electric types, but Siebold will be prepared in the latter stages of the battle. Regardless, defeat Clawitzer immediately as it has essentially powered up versions of the most powerful moves in the game (thanks to Mega Launcher). Barbaracle is Clawizter in a physical sense, but the double weakness to Grass will be easy to exploit, even without a Grass type (Grass Knot and Energy Ball can be learned by many other types).
Champion Diantha
Hawlucha (Fighting/Flying) Lv. 64
Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon) Lv. 65
Aurorus (Rock/Ice) Lv. 65
Gorgeist (Ghost/Grass) Lv. 65
Goodra (Dragon) Lv. 66
MEGA Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy) Lv. 68
She will use nothing but powerful moves with the occasional Light Screen and Reflect buff. You made it this far. Your best bet is to pay attention to types and their effectiveness. A fast Ice or Water type can handle a few of them. But a Steel type with some heavy offensive force is probably the bane of her existence. She’ll be ready for that, too. Chance, Power, and some good old fashioned leveling is what you should do. Mega Gardevoir demands that you use a Steel type, really.
Congrats! Upon beating the game, you will have a parade and you will fight AZ with a Torkoal, Golurk, and Sigilyph. You can trade with Shauna (any Pokemon) for a starter with the type disadvantage of yours in Vaniville. Don’t forget about the trades in the Hotels throughout Kalos (Eevee and Magikarp).
Postgame Stuff
1. Get Zygarde in Terminus Cave
2. Run into a legendary Kanto Bird (Chespin-Articuno/Fennekin-Zapdos/Greninja-Moltres) 11 times and catch it in the Sea Spirits Den.
3. Catch Mewtwo in the Unknown Dungeon (near the Pokemon Village in Route 20) and get his Mega Stone.
4. Explore Kiloude City and the Friend Safari.
5. Fight in the Battle Maison and the Battle Institute.
MEGA STONE LOCATIONS (Go to Anistar around 8-9:00 p.m. after beating your rival in Kiloude; some stones need to be found at that time as well)
1. Abomasite – Received from Abomasnow in the Frost Cavern
2. Absolite – Defeat Sarena/Calem in Kiloude City
3. Aerodactylite – Received from a scientist in the Fossil Lab
4. Aggronite – Y only; located in Cyllage Gym (You need to trade to get an Aggron).
5. Alakazite – Reflection Cave; The super secret cave location on B2.
6. Amparosite – Given to you from old man in Azure Bay.
7. Banitite – Chamber of Emptiness down the river of Route 22. Banette is found on Thursday in the Pokemon Village trash cans.
8. Blazikenite – Unavailable since distribution is over as this walkthrough is written. Wait until ORAS.
9. Garchompite – Victory Road, near the Ranger who heals your Pokemon.
10. Gardevoirite – Trade with the Champion in Cafe Soleil after beating her. She’ll give you a Ralts.
11. Gengarite – Have a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar in your party when you talk to a Hex Maniac in Laverre City.
12. Gyaradosite – Near waterfalls in Couriway Town.
13. Heracronite – Y only; Santalune Forest
14. Houndoomite – Y only; Route 16 (you need to trade to get a Houndoom)
15. Kangaskhanite – Glittering Cave
16. Manectite – X Only; Route 16 (you need to trade to get a Manectric)
17. Mawhilite – Shabboneau Castle (that boring, empty place in Camphrier Town)
18. Medichamite – Laverre City, in front of the well.
19. Pinsirite- Santalune Forest
20. Scizorite – In the Frost Cavern behind Abomasnow.
21. Tyranatarite – X only; Cyllage Gym (you need to trade to get a Tyranitar)
22. You got a Mega Stone with your Kanto starter; another can be bought at the Stone Emporium for very cheap with more style points.
Looker Bureau Quest.
1. Lumiose City, you will get a message after activating the Anistar Sundial
2. Find Looker in the Rouge Plaza.
3. Find his tickets in Lumiose: the Herboriste, Magenta Pokemon Center, Gym, Hotel and Museum.
4. Battle the children in the back alleys.
5. Go back to Looker and fight the gang near the Train Station afterwards.
6. Go to the Art Museum and then fight the gangsters in the Northern Boulevard alleyways.
7. Battle the guy after visiting Looker and head to the secret basement in Lysandre Labs. Speak to Malva, you can’t miss her.
8. Fight various Essentia Trainers. They are very powerful.
9. Enjoy the experience.