Pokemon Snap was released on the Nintendo 64 and re-released on the Virtual Console for the Nintendo Wii. Playing on the popularity of the Pokemon handheld franchise, gamers were introduced to a new way to “capture” Pokemon, this time being on film. Being taken through Pokemon Island and its different regions, Generation 1 Pokemon interacted in full 3-D in their natural environment.
This Pokemon Snap Walkthrough offers both video and text guides on where to find all of the individual Pokemon species, how to unlock the new stages, where the Pokemon signs are, and what it takes to score high points or get to those elusive Pokemon.
Pokemon Snap: Beach
The Beach is the first zone you will get access to in the Pokemon Snap Walkthrough. To unlock the second course, 6 pictures of different Pokemon species must be taken. The following Pokemon can be found in this zone.
Pikachu: A Pikachu can be found on the beach shoreline near the entrance of the Beach. If you have Pokemon food you can lure it over to the surf board to get Surfing Pikachu bonus points. Scyther can be lured out in the rustling grass by throwing pester balls at it. Doing so will bring out 2 Pikachus onto tree stumps for a bonus picture shot. Playing the Poke Flute to Pikachu will cause it to release electric shots, earning extra points as well.
Buterfree: Several Butterfree are flying around the Beach level. Their movement is often sporadic, but if timed right, you can get multiple Butterfree in one shot for bonus points.
Doduo: Doduo can be tricky to get a good picture of due to its speed. Pester balls can be used to stun them and earn bonus points. There are 2 Doduo in the level, one at the beginning and one that emerges from the tall grass.
Lapras: Lapras is first seen in the horizon of the ocean near Pikachu at the beginning. Take a picure of it then to assist in getting a better shot later. It can again be seen near the first patch of tall grass, take its picture again. Having taken its picture twice, it will trust you more and when you arrive towards Eevee, it will be closer by the shoreline with other Lapras, allowing for better shots and bonus pose points.
Scyther: Once you have the Pester Ball you can throw it into the tall grass and Scyther will emerge.
Eevee: Eevee is found playfully skipping along near the end of the level playing with Chansey.
Snorlax: Snorlax will not instantly be recognizable to Professor Oak, but can be shot once certain items are obtained. Hitting it with a Pester Ball allows you to get a picture of it scratching its tummy. Playing the Poke Flute will wake it up for good and the third song will make it dance.
Meowth: There are 4 Meowth in this level and all can be found in some pretty funny poses. Knocking the one off the ledge with a Pester Ball and making it dance with the Poke Flute can earn some big points. There will also be some running from the tall grass and being attacked by Pidgey.
Pidgey: Pidgey are found flying throughout the level. Your best shot will likely come near the end of the level as 2of them are attacking Meowth, earning you a special bonus pose.
Magikarp: Throwing food or Pester Balls into the water can lure one to jump out of the water and splash. You have to act fast to get a good picture though.
Kangaskhan: Yo can start off by getting a shot of it with its back turned to you. Once you get the Pester Ball or Poke Flute you can make it do special poses for more points.
Clansey: Eevee is found playing with Chansey near the end of the level. Hit it with food or a Pester Ball to unfold from its ball form and get a shot.
Pokemon Snap Walkthrough: Tunnel
Tunnel is the second level in the Pokemon Snap Walkthrough. To progress to the next level, hit the Electrode at the end of the level to make it self-destruct and reveal a new path.
Diglett: There is a Diglett playing with Pikachu. Wait to get close to it to get a good shot.
Dugtrio: Each time you take a picture of Dugtrio, the Diglett will move further into the distance. Taking a picture of it each time will lead it to evolve into Dugtrio.
Zapdos: Once you have both the Poke Food and the Poke Flute you can get Zapdos. Lure Pikachu close to the egg with the food and then play the Poke Flute to make him release electric sparks. The sparks will case the egg holding Zapdos break.
Electabuzz: Electabuzz can be found throughout the tunnel. Knocking it out with a Pester Ball or an exploding Electrode leads to bonus pose points.
Electrode: Electrode are found throughout the tunnel rolling around. Hitting them will lead to them self-destructing and earning you bonus pose points.
Haunter: There are two floating purple balls of light throughout the tunnel. Their form won’t be revealed while taking their photo, making getting a good shot difficult. The second light has a more predictable pattern of movement though, giving you a better opportunity.
Kakuna: They will be hanging from the ceiling and occasionally fall down. If you hit one with an item they will fall down for a closer shot as well.
Magnemite: The first time you try and get their photo, their elecric charge will blur your shot. Give it some food and their guard will go down allowing you to get a shot. If you lure all 3 of them together it will evolve.
Magneton: If you lure all 3 Magnemite together with food it will evolve.
Zubat: Zubat flies out of the two metal doors. If you are prepared for this event you can get a good shot.
Pikachu: The first Pikachu you encounter can earn you the Pikachu on a ball pose. Take a picture of it and it will run off, take another picture of it and it will hop on an Electrode for bonus pose points. Another one can be found near Diglett.
Magikarp: They randomly jump out of water. Time it right and you can get a splash pose.
Pokemon Snap Guide: Volcano
The Volcano level is the third level in the Pokemon Snap Guide. It takes 22 Pokemon shots to unlock the next level. The following Pokemon can be found in this zone.
Rapidash: They can be found at the beginning of the level. Running very fast, getting a good shot initially can be difficult. If you hit one with a Pester Ball or food and it will slow down and give you a chance to get a good shot.
Arcanine: It is random chance whether it or a Growlithe appears from the lava.
Growlithe: It appears from the lava when Arcanine does not.
Charmander: When you get stopped on the Moltres egg, throw food to the left near the Charmander. If you throw enough, more Charmander will appear and fight over the foo. Play the Poke Flute and they will line up for bonus pose points.
Charmeleon: He is found circling a lava pit near the end of the level. Take a picture before you make it evolve.
Charizard: Knock the Charmeleon into the lava pit and it will evolve.
Magmar: Throw food between the 2 Magmar on the ledge and they will begin to fight to get you a special pose bonus.
Magikarp: As in the other levels, one may jump out of water. This level is fire based, limiting the water sources though.
Moltres is found in the egg blocking the path. Throw some food or a Pester Ball at it to knock it into the lava, causing it to hatch.
Vulpix: Vulpix is found right at the beginning of the level. You can use food to lure them together into a group for bonus points.
Pokemon Snap Walkthrough: River
Hitting the hidden Porygon near the switch will unlock the next stage. The following Pokemon are found in this zone:
Porygon: After Metapod will be two camouflaged moving objects on the wall. Hit them with a Pester Ball to make them reveal themselves and hit them again to turn to their normal color. There is another one near the switch at the end of the level. Hitting this reveals a new path and ends the level.
Magikarp: As always, he can be found jumping from the water.
Slowbro: If you lure Slowpoke to the shellder fishing platform with food, he will turn around and go fishing. Once a shellder attaches to its tail, it evolves.
Slowpoke: They can be found on the shoreline. It can be made to evolve by making it go fishing with its tail.
Poliwag: They are hiding in the jungle brush near the beginning of the level. If you hit the first one with a Pester Ball it will run into the second one. If you hit the second one with a ball, it will run into the third one. If you hit the third one with a ball, all of them will run to the coast line allowing for a good shot.
Psyduck: Psyduck is found swimming in the level. If you hit it with food and keep throwing food towards it,it will jump from the water giving special pose bonus points.
Bulbasaur: There will be some Bulbasaur on the shorelines and hiding inside of logs. Hitting them with Pester Balls will lure them out, where they can be drawn together with some food.
Metapod: Metapod are found hanging from the trees in the level. Hit them with food or Pester Balls to make them drop lower.
Pikachu: There will be a Pikachu in a tree stump on the left near the end of the level. Hitting it with a Pester Ball will make it use quick attack and allow for a special pose to be activated.
Vileplume: On the right hand side near the beginning of the level is a large plant with fumes coming from it. Playing the Poke Flute will awaken it where it will begin to dance for you.
Shellder: Shellder flies up from the water near the Slowpoke zone. They move fast and can be difficult to capture.
Cloyster: Cloyster is found near Psyduck and like Shellder can be difficult to capture on film. Up to 3 of them may appear though.
Pokemon Snap Walkthrough: Cave
To unlock the next level, you must have at least 40 Pokemon in the Pokemon Report. These are the Pokemon in Cave.
Jynx: Two Jynx are found worshiping an egg near the end of the level. Play the Poke Flute to get them to do a dance and open the egg.
Magikarp: Found splashing around in water.
Ditto: The Bulbasaur in the beginning are actually Ditto transformed. Hit them with Pester Balls to reveal their true selves.
Articuno: Playing the Poke Flute around Jynx and the egg will cause the egg to hatch and Articuno to come out.
Koffing: Koffing will be found floating around chasing Jigglypuff.
Grimer: Grimer are found near the beginning in cave entrances on the edges of the walls. They are out quite a distance and can be difficult to get a good shot.
Muk: If you get a picture of both Grimers in the beginning, a third one will appear. Hit this one with several Pester Balls and it will evolve.
Weepinbell: It is found circling a pool of water in the cave.
Victreebel: I you throw a ball at Weepinbell and knock it into the water it will evolve into Victreebel.
Zubat: They can be found flying around the cave, including one holding a Pikachu.
Jigglypuff: They are being attacked by a couple of Koffing in the level. If you save any or all of them from Koffing they will be on stage near the end of the level performing a song, for bonus pose points.
Pikachu: A Pikachu will be snatched up by a Zubat. Throw Pester Balls at it to free it. As it falls to the ground it will deploy balloons for a safe landing, earning he balloon Pikachu pose. It will then run towards the egg. If you play the Poke Flute and awaken Articuno, you can earn the flying Pikachu pose.
Bulbasaur: They are at the beginning of the level.
Pokemon Snap Walkthrough: Valley
To unlock the next stage in the game you must line up and aim a Pester Ball to knock Squirtle into Mankey to knock him off his ledge. This will put him near the switch at the end of the level. Hit him with a Pester Ball and it will activate the switch.
Dratini: It can be found jumping from the water at various places. It moves fast, so be ready for it!
Dragonite: When you come across a whirlpool, be sure to throw Pester Ball after Pester Ball into it and a Dragonite will emerge from it.
Magikarp: This level finally gives a purpose to Magikarp. At the beginning there will be one jumping in and out near Mankey. Lob Pester Balls at it from a distance and knock it on the shore. Mankey will kick it further up in the level onto the shore.
Gyrados: After Mankey kicks the Magikarp you hit up onto the shore, it will again be on a different shore. Hit it again and it will hop back into the water and jump into a waterfall where it evolves into Gyrados.
Staryu: They will rise out of the water and if you manage to photograph them they will begin to circle you.
Starmie: The photographed Staryu will jump into the whirlpool and evolve into Starmie.
Goldeen: They appear the same way Magikarp appears throughout the game. Better be quick to get a good shot.
Geodude: Geodude are found near the canyon walls. If you hit them they will fall down for a better shot.
Graveler: They are found on the walls just like Geodude. If you hit the 2 Geodude next to it, the impact of their fall will knock it down to allow for a better picture.
Mankey: Mankey is found at the beginning and near the end of the level. The last one is involved in opening up the new path.
Sandshrew: They are found burrowing into the ground. The impact of falling Geodude can pop them out though.
There is a Sandslash near where he 2 Geodudes are that can be knocked down. You can get a shot of it from a distance or knock the Geodudes ad Gravelers down to get a closer shot.
Squirtle: They are found at the beginning of the level swimming in front of you. Hit them with Pester Balls to bring them to the shore for better pictures.
Pokemon Snap Guide: Rainbow Cloud

151 Mew
Mew is the only Pokemon you will find in this zone. It will protect itself in a bubble which you must burst with a Pester Ball. It will then try to get back into the bubble, giving a small opportunity for you to try and get a good picture. You can attempt to use food to get a better shot, but your aim must be on target.